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New Weber Polished Head

$Polished-Bulldog-3.jpgI just bought the new Weber polished head with the bulldog handel from the Weber site. It looks really nice at its only $70USD with the handel. I'll let you know how it shaves when get it. Should be sometime next week, looks like they gave up on the coated heads. I have one with the DLC coating and I never liked how it looked but this new one looks very sweet...
I placed an order last night as well. I like the polished stainless look. I'll post first impression of the razor after I've had a few shaves with it.
I'm curious as to whether the coated heads offered any advantage at all; and so torn about the handle options....

Are these not, by a wide margin, the most reasonably priced all-stainless razors and handles? They seem to be.
I also ordered one. Can't wait to see it in person and also read peoples thoughts about it on the forum.
I have a Weber Bulldog ARC and it is my favorite razor. Although I don't need it, the all stainless razor has me tempted. I suspect that eventually, the price of these will increase significantly. You can't miss with an all stainless razor for $70. Anything similar is over twice the cost.

I really like them both. It was a bit of a shock, just because I was so used to Weber having different color heads. But I support Weber in whatever they do and look forward to getting mine in the mail!

On a positive note having a solid stainless steel razor without any coatings or plating is just one less thing to worry about. There is nothing to degrade or chip etc... Although when they do start selling the DLC again I will be buying one:thumbup:
This makes me chuckle, considering how many people complained about the mismatch of steel vs DLC when it first came out.

Yeah..the DLC was my first Safety Razor...I had seen it on Gentlemint and thought it was pretty cool...so back in January was able to get one from ED. Have never looked back. Have tried a Super Speed, Slim and the Weber is my favorite. I have two DLC heads and the standard and Bulldog handle. I am surprised to see how each time the get some in stock it just another model of razor. But you can beat the price for a great razor.
Love Weber, I just picked one up with the wavy handle, as i already have the Bulldog handle, ARC Classic long Handle, New Polish classic handle, So i went for the Wavy handle. :eek:)
Well I finally pulled the trigger, the only thing that had held me off in the past was the mismatched look and these look excellent, can't wait to give this a whirl, and $70 for a fully stainless USA made razor is crazy sweet.
Well I finally pulled the trigger, the only thing that had held me off in the past was the mismatched look and these look excellent, can't wait to give this a whirl, and $70 for a fully stainless USA made razor is crazy sweet.

+1, I prefer the head and handle to be matching as well, CRAZY SWEET.
I just bought the Weber polished head razor with the bulldog handle from the Weber site. ($70.00) They were out of the DLC. Can't wait until it arrives!
I just bought the Weber polished head razor with the bulldog handle from the Weber site. ($70.00) They were out of the DLC. Can't wait until it arrives!

The DLC was discontinued some time ago but general consensus for the polished head has been pretty good. You should enjoy it.
I picked up a Weber w/ the bulldog handle about 6 months ago. It quickly became my #1; in fact, it's pretty much the only one I use anymore. I own most of the major vintage Gillette models, all of which I used to use a lot. Not much anymore. For me, the Weber is just about perfect.
I did a lot of research. "Above The Ties" got bad reviews so I decided not to go this route. IKon reviews, especially the OSS, were not that good either. I am not sure the Muhle R41 is for me based on the reviews. Almost everyone appears to like the Weber, and it is much less expensive than it's competition. The Weber will be my ninth razor. The next decision will be which of the 35 blades I have are most compatible with the Weber polished head.
I sure do wish that Weber made an open comb base plate. The safety bar is the only thing holding me back. At first I loved my Muhle R89 but after a month or so it started irritating me so badly I almost couldn't use it. The Weber looks very similar to the Muhle, although I know it's not identical.

I have a Weber Classic handle and like it very much. I wish it had the thickness of the bulldog and the length of the classic. THAT would be perfect for a handle.

Nice looking razor though guys, and a HELL of a deal on a solid stainless razor. Best value on the market IMO.
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