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New vs Old

Ok, newbie to DE (have straight shaved in the past and now consistently use a brush and soap every day - but with cartridge razors).

Want to get into DE and try it and am torn between getting a used, say Gillette, on this site or eBay, or just buy a new DE on say ClassicShaving.com.

I would start with something simple, mild, and inexpensive like a Gillette Tech razor. You really cant go wrong, I started with a Tech and it is still a regular part of my rotation.

I would also consider buying a new razor, so that you can have something to compare it to. Great thing is, for less than what a large pack of Fusion blades would cost, you may be able to buy more than one.

On Classicshaving.com the Merkur "classic" is less than $30, that coupled with a Gillette Tech wouldn't be a bad way to start.

Good luck and keep us posted on how it goes.
I'd say go with an old Gillette. Smething like a Super Speed would be a great starting point; easy to find, cheap and easy to resell if you decide to go back to you cartridge.
I started with new myself, the Merkur HD. After over 14 different razors, I've tried a few, I got rid of everything except my Merkur 1904, my go to, and the HD which is my backup. :w00t:
I would start with something simple, mild, and inexpensive like a Gillette Tech razor. You really cant go wrong, I started with a Tech and it is still a regular part of my rotation.

I would also consider buying a new razor, so that you can have something to compare it to. Great thing is, for less than what a large pack of Fusion blades would cost, you may be able to buy more than one.

On Classicshaving.com the Merkur "classic" is less than $30, that coupled with a Gillette Tech wouldn't be a bad way to start.

Good luck and keep us posted on how it goes.

+1 a Merkur classic (the 33C) was my starter razor and is a great performer and forgiving.
My favorite razors are all used/vintage. It's actually been quite a while since I used one of my new ones. A Schick Krona would be a great double edge vintage razor to start with, also the Gillette Tech.

Still, with a new razor, you will probably have more buyer protection if it turns out to be a dud. Also, I've been reading so much hype for the Edwin Jagger DE89L (new) that I'm *almost* tempted.:wink2:
Started with the HD, quickly caught a bad case of AD's and managed to acquire half a dozen vintage Gillette razor's is short order. Silver and Gold Techs, late 40's Superspeed, late 50's Superspeed, a Fat Boy and Slim Adjustable. Then I cycled through a couple of Merkur's, 23c long handle and the 33c classic for good measure.

All are gone and I am back to using the HD. This razor just works the best for me and gives me the most consistent result day in and day out.

It was fun to try everything and I am glad that I did, with such a good resale market for vintage and new gear you will never be out a lot of money. Don't get hung up, for a relatively small investment you can try out most anything you want and then settle on which ever razor work for you.

Good luck!
I started on the Merkur 38c and I love it. I recommend ordering form Shaving Essentials when the site gets back up. They sent me 3 samples of cream and a 5 pack of derby razors with it.
I went from soap/brush and cartridges to DE shaving a few weeks ago. I have been very happy with the new Merkur HD razor with Derby blades. The HD has been gentle with my skin while giving a good shave. It takes some repetetive short strokes and a little extra time than cartridge shaving, but the result is much better.
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