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New to wet shaving.

I thought I would take a moment to introduce myself and ask for some guidance. I have been shaving with a multibladed razor since high school (I am 37 now). My friend introduced me to going back to the safety razor and brush. The safety razor didn't interest me as much as the straight razor so I purchased the cheap green and black bowl brush combo and a Parker shavette off amazon.

Things are going well, but occasionally I get a bit of burn against the grain due to my heavy hand (still working on that). I am very happy with the process and am looking to get a normal blade.

Nothing real expensive or fancy just a good razor to take a step up with. Also strop recommendations if I need one (I think I do) and associated stuff.

Thanks in advance.


Welcome to B&B! I too am relatively new to this whole straight razor thing but I have been learning fast! Here is my $.02, buy a sight unseen straight razor from Whipped Dog along with the starter strop, buy a pack of lapping film from stink & stain, a piece of granite from Lowes or the Home Depot and you will be set for life... Or until you find yourself buying all the str8's you can find and recondition them.
Welcome aboard! I don't believe you need a strop with a shavette, but you will need one when and if you purchase a stand alone straight. +1 on checking out Whipped Dog, allot of good deals from Larry can be had.
Thanks guys! I think I am going to hold off until I fully understand the process and just stick with my shavette for now.
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