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New Standard Questions

Say hello to my New favorite razor, no pun intended. :001_tongu

Just got this from one of our esteemed brothers on the BST. I love the heft, the cool handle design, everything!

Just wondering what the difference is between the New Standard and the Bostonian?

Oh, and I know some of you guys stabilize the cracks in the handles...is there a consensus on this? Recommended? Best Method? My razor has one, of course, as do most I've seen.

Sorry for the crappy phone photo...

No difference between the New Standard, Bostonian and Richwood, except for the cases.


+1 And they are great shavers. The heft is quite something. They are aggressive, but nothing unwieldy. As to the crack, from what I've heard, the best way to avoid making it worse is to not over-tighten the razor.
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