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New set=GREAT shave

Dear B&B Friends,

I have recently celebrated my fifth month of DE shaving. I wanted to get myself a gift and could not wait around for my sixth month anniversary.

I have been using an EJ 89 which is wonderful.
I have been using creams exclusively (mainly TOBS Sandalwood). I have been able to achieve great lather and smooth shaves.
Also, I have bought more than I should in Simpsons brushes. My favorite brush is the Milk Churn 2 Band while my favorite handle to hold is my Rover.

So, to celebrate my desire to shave everyday (and for faithfully sticking to it), I wanted to get something different to try and hopefully fall in love with.

I dug deep within the wallet and bought:

A disc of MWF. I hadn't tried a soap, but this was an amazing product. Smooth, rich, easy on the face, and subtle scent.

The big purchase was a Tradere Solid Bar. The thing is super heavy, but so elegant. It was a joy to use, but I will need to hit the gym!

But, my most welcome surprise was the Simpsons Case. I did not have a travel brush that I loved. I did not want to take a "good" brush on the road, but didn't want to sacrifice a quality shave, if I could help it. This little champ held enough MWF for three full passes and felt solid in the hand. It was a treat to hold it, use it, and know that in the future I won't have to compromise when I am traveling.

I tried telling all of this to my wife, all the while trying not to mention price, but she could have cared less. But, I knew you all would understand my joy.

I have truly loved reading all your post about your favorite brushes and welcome advice.

Keep up the good work; I'll keep reading.

But you didn't tell us about the excellent looking tin container!! Where did you get it? What model is it? Recent thread with someone looking for something just like this!
You cant go wrong with MWF, its quite a performer once you learn the technique, theres some post on here to show how to get the uber lather from it too, wish ya all the best.
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