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New RazoRock Slab

Looks awesome. I have been wanting something like this. I love the big handle. It is going on my want list.
Oh it is nice and at Joes price a good deal too! Weight should be around 93 gms. Here's some quick pics.

$P1060604.jpg$P1060606.jpg no it's not from Joe and cost more to do!
Got mine in the mail yesterday. Looking forward to shaving with it. Definitely the heaviest handle I have held....
The handle is exceptional and rumored to be the ikon bulldog handle. This razor is a bit aggressive a couple nicks that I don't get with my EJDE89 but that could just be more practice needed. I may just put the handle on my EJ but I still use a SE more than a DE.
Great handle. It's pretty much indistinguishable from the Weber Bulldog. I haven't used the iKon "Bulldog 1" or the (forthcoming?) shavecraft handle, which I think are also indistinguishable. I shaved with the razor once; found it squarely 'moderate' in terms of aggression, close to the iKon SB 2013, or the ATT Titan with M1 base plate, only less smooth (for me, for a first shave -- that is, I got a few weepers; I might get over that with a bit more practice, so all my impressions of the head, at least, are extremely preliminary. The handle feels like an old friend -- that is, like the Weber Bulldog, which I've been using for a while now).
Thanks for the info. I want to get a stainless handle for my soon to arrive NEW and had heard some don't fit due to size?

Eitherway, Slab looks like a cool razor might be worth it eitherway. Price is right.
Just used it with its own head... Pretty good shaver. I guess I need to get used to the weight though because it didnt feel as natural to me, and I got newbie-nicks on my lip chin and neck :scared: I havent nicked myself in like a month (aside from the straight razor) and now I get 3? :sad: On the upside, I got the experience the full burn of the Captains Choice :lol:

It might have also been that I was using a different cream, tried a preshave oil, only did the hot towel without the facewash and switched to a new Astra (opposed to the English Wilkinson that I have been using for the last 6 shaves..I was also rushing a little bit :blush: .

I dont know for sure, there are too many variables which I dont know why I tried so many new things WITH a new razor, but I am going to use it next with my "usual routine" and see if there is a difference. It is definitely a quality razor handle though and the head is really similar to the EJ89. After I give it a decent chance as is, I will try experimenting with some different heads on it like my Ivory Soap Gillette open comb or the NEW. Looking forward to the whiskers growing in :lol:
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