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New Razor

I got a new Dovo stainless razor from SRD today. Cant wait to try it, Do I need to strop it before shaving? Seems like all I need to do is wipe off the oil and away I go. Thanks.
Is this one that SRD already honed to be shave ready? if so, I would recommend using it without stroping the first time, just clean it first. This way you can guage the affect of the stroping before and after.

just my .02
I lightly stropped it and went to work. It was definitely the best shave I have had with a straight so far. While it's still not as nice a shave as my HD, it's getting better. I figure the problem is with my technique not the razor. I have a Puma that I had honed by Leighton, and it was great for a couple shaves but I managed to mess it up while stropping. I replaced the strop with a Tony Miller.

I bought this stainless Dovo as my daily razor. I figure the stainless will stay sharp longer. I will not hone this one myself but have SRD take care of it for me - at least until I can get the hang of honing properly. Given the sharpness and feel of the new Dovo, I can tell I am not there yet with honing my carbon razors. I would love to hit a clinic on honing or have a mentor help me out. At least now I have a really sharp razor to use for every day.
Sounds like you got a nice set up so you can get proficient. If your edge starts to get dull after a while, you can try a paddle strop with some chrom-ox paste, or start playing around with a barber's hone.

I can't wait until I get my blades back from being honed so I can start too!!
My second shave with it today was AWESOME!! Best straight shave yet. I think I am finally starting to get the hang of it. I was able to get a really nice shave in 3 passes. I am really amazed at how smooth it is even with my beard. I have a very thick beard, especially on my chin and the new razor was able to deal with it without getthin hung up. Of course, the cool factor is off the charts.

I would love to figure out what I am doing wrong with honing my other razors. I am making a balsa strop to see if it's a matter of fine tuning. One thing at a time I guess. At least for now I have a very nice daily shaver.

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