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New razor suggestion

Hi everyone. I own and enjoy a merkur hd and a gillette super speed. I could be perfectly content with just these two razors in my arsenal. But, I've seen that many of you get a razor made in your birth year. So I thought I would ask for suggestions for a razor made in my birth year- 1976. What would you get? Thanks.
Thanks, guys. I haven't read much about super adjustables. Sounds like a good choice for me as I have never used an adjustable.
I just picked up a birth year for myself off of fleabay and am not having a great deal of luck with it. Its shaves fine, not as nice as my HD. I cant seem to make nice clean passes like I can with the HD. It seems to leave a lot of cream behind. I tried it for two weeks, cleaned it up really nice and put it on the shelve for now. Maybe when I get a new blade sampler I will revisit it.
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