on edit: I read Jimmy James' post, and I think I can somehow hold back. I want a piston fill pen as my next one, anyway (like the Pelikan 800). Really, if I buy that, it will be my last fountain pen, I really, really promise this time.
The Bulow you have is almost certainly a Jinhao or one of Jinhao's related brands that has been relabeled by xfountainpens and has probably had its stock nib replaced by one of their own nibs they sell. It seems like xfountainpens does a bit of QC work to sell you a pen that performs well, but you should know you could probably get about 3 unmodified Jinhao's shipped from China for the price you paid (I assume about $15, right?).
xfountainpens has a reputation elsewhere for not being particularly responsive to email if there is a question or problem but for shipping quickly and delivering what you bought. If there is an issue, you might be waiting several days to resolve it. As a retailer, I wish they'd be more responsive but feel they are acceptable. As a quasi-brand of pens with the QC and nib modification they make, I think it's a pretty good value. I own some of their nibs and own some Jinhao pens (but have not put their nibs on my Jinhaos). I'd say the worst trouble I have with most Jinhao pens is that they tend to dry out if not used for a couple days. If it's a primary pen for you, you'll probably like it more than I like mine because I often have 15 or 20 pens inked and end up valuing pens that don't dry out under those conditions more than I value the Jinhaos I have that dry out.
I've ordered from them before, through their Amazon store. I have one of their Nemosine pens which I like very much, but these are only sold through Amazon and not their regular site. Xfountainpens and Paramount Goods are one in the same. I did have a question about my pen and I got a response after a few days. Not super responsive, but to be fair, they did respond and seemed like they wanted to please me as a customer.
Their house brand ink - Chesterfield - is rebranded Diamine but packaged in plastic instead of glass. With the free shipping promos they do, it's a good value if you like Diamine Ink. I actually have a second order of 3 ink bottles from them on the way.
I checked out the link provided by Owen, and I have the red X450 listed on their site, but I got mine somewhere else and it was branded Jinhao. It works pretty well, but is kinda scratchy on the paper. Definitely a great looking pen, though.