I finally losing my PC and switching to iMac. Any suggestions on some great websites where I can learn mac skills.

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I believe that the new magic mouse can be programmed to have "left" and "right" buttons as well.
I'm new to Mac too, but coming at it from a mostly Linux background. Bought a Mac Mini here. Love using the HDMI out with the flat screen TV and shows on Hulu.
The best advice I ever received when I switched was "do not expect it to be Windows".
A good thing to remember is that to install a program, you must copy it to the Applications folder. Keyboard commands are the same, except you use the Command button, not Control.
Google for some nice apps to use. OpenOffice is great (Microsoft Offce for Mac is almost unusable). VLC Player is also a must have. Unlike Quicktime, VLC can handle every video format. If you are a web developer, Transmit is an excellent FTP program (CyberDuck is a nice free one). HandBrake is
excellent freeware for ripping DVDs. OnyX, Caffeine, MacLoc are some I would recommend to everyone. If you really like that new Windows 7 feature where you can snap windows into place, take a look at Cinch for Mac. It does the same thing and is really great if you ever need to compare documents (really useful if you still go to school).
Congrats, I'm drooling over the new iMacs. After you get used to a few differences, you'll never look back, except to scoff at people who still use pcs.
One thing that has not been mentioned yet is if you have been using pcs forever, you are problably used to right-clicking the mouse to bring up options. Mac mice only have one button, but you can "right click" by holding down the control key as you click. I believe that the new magic mouse can be programmed to have "left" and "right" buttons as well.
Good luck!
I have a 21 and its like sitting in the front row of the movie theater. Its just too big when you have to move your head quite a bit just to see everything on your screen.
Can wait to get my hands on it, I went with the 27", now I don't know where to put it. I reading David Pogue's book. PC To Mac. Its helpful.