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New Find at Wally Mart!

I bought 6 packs of those last week and gave them a try. Good consistent blades with no irritation. A steal and easy to find.:thumbup:
in the 5 years now I have lived in florida I have never seen DE blades at any Wally world stores here. :angry:
The Walmart in town had been carrying Personna's which I would buy on a regular basis.
Wanting to give the Wilkinson's a try I stopped by to find that after a remodeling of the store they no longer carry DE blades. :mad3:
I picked up a couple of packs yesterday. Used one today in my HD and it was quite smooth shaving. My preference has been red pack personna's, and this blade was very smooth and forgiving. Will purchase more in the future.:thumbup1:Regards, Bradley
Lessee, since last spring at the nearest Wal-Mart about 2 miles from here:

1. Purchased a 10-pack of Personna AutoPlus/Atra cartridges at the closeout price of $3.00

2. Next trip, early in the summer, the Personna-Atras were gone but a new rack opened up for the infamous "Walmart Personnas," $1.76 a 10-pack.

3. Next trip, the "Walmart Personna" rack was empty, but a new rack showed up with the Personna TracII/Atra combo.

4. This week, the DE rack was loaded up with the Wilkinsons from Germany at the same $1.76 price.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, will start my second shave this week tomorrow with an oh-so-smooth Treet Durasharp Classic, purchased online for less than the $1.76 price, including shipping.

I only go to Wal-Mart for toilet paper, oatmeal, oil filters, and over-the-counter meds. Gawking at the shaving shelves is just a pastime.
Grabbed a pack last night just for kicks and used one of the blades this morning. Good shave overall, smooth and OK in the sharpness department, with just a little bit of tugging. To achieve the closeness that I like and that normally takes 3 passes, a total of 4 passes were needed with this blade.

A good blade for the price but not even close to either of my favorites, Astra SP and Feather blades.
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How good are these blades? I've been paying $1.79+ shipping for packs half that size.

:w00t: I was just at my local Wally world and much to my surprise I found these blades :001_smile Then I stopped at the local Walgreens store looking for shave soaps and much to my surprise I find VDH shave soap and boar brush :thumbup: so I got those as well.

I came straight home and had to try them...

I was not really impressed with these blades on this first shave but since I was also trying a new soap and brush I will give the blades another try using a different soap to see if that is any improvement.

The boar brush was a bit stiff but it is new and it will take a few uses to soften up. But the brush had a good feel to it and was easy to hold onto.

The VDH shave soap made lots of lather (not sure if it was due to the new brush or the soap) However I was not that impressed with it... I found the Williams to be a bit more slick and I didn't have any irritation after my shave with using the Williams.

I will try the Williams soap next with the new boar brush and see how that goes :biggrin1:
German made Wilkinsons - we've had these over the pond for ages.

I would classify them as a good, not great blade... more than capable of decent smooth shaves.

I'd probably put them on a par with Personnas. Not a blade I actively seek, but have worked well whenever I've used them.
Used one of these blades for the past couple of day. Shaves were ok, and nothing to scoff at, but neither were they exceptional in any way. I'd rather buy Red Packs online for less money and better shaves.
Well after my first shave I can say that i wasnt disappointed, nor was I impressed. If you are plumb out of razors these will do the job just fine, and I really like the case too. I think I'll be sticking with my Sharks though.
I had to go to Walmart on Friday with an eclectic shopping list from the wife...so of course, I checked out the shaving isle and picked these up.

I've used them twice since then...good shaves. Not quite as close as my Crystal go-to blades, but these seem to be the same quality as other Wilk Swords not bought from Walmart and a step up from their Personna blades that they no longer had at the store.

Also picked up a puck of VDH Deluxe as my Col Conk Almond is down to its final few shaves...and a Clubman Syptic Pencil for 97 cents. :thumbup1:

The case/dispenser is cool. Mine doesn't look identical to that in the picture above, it has no lettering on it and is shiny chrome in the middle with the same black on the edges. Packaging was the same...looks nice.

I guess I'll use them for traveling.
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