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New Brush??

Strange question but here goes: How do I know when I need a new brush? I've been using a Vulfix 2234 for about a year and it works very nicely, esp. with creams which are my preference. Been itching for a Shavemac but do I really NEED one? Scared that SBAD might set in!
Strange question but here goes: How do I know when I need a new brush? I've been using a Vulfix 2234 for about a year and it works very nicely, esp. with creams which are my preference. Been itching for a Shavemac but do I really NEED one? Scared that SBAD might set in!

No, you don't need one. If it works really well with your preferred creams, you don't. However, if you want one, go ahead SBAD isn't that bad. It won't be any time until you just have to have some Plisson brushes. :devil:

BTW, what part of Texas?
Yeah I've been drooling over the HMW Plisson's. However, the family has to eat!! :biggrin: Was leaning towards a silvertip Shavemac in 22 or 23. But maybe I should put that money towards a straight and take that plunge! :biggrin:

Hey Rich-Amarillo,TX here. I've got relatives in E.TX. Carthage and Kilgore.
SBAD was the last of the AD's to affect me and it has really taken hold. In the past year I have aquired 15 brushes. If you can't get your hands on a B&B LE 2008 then I'd say go for a shavemac, great brushes. Ok your family have to eat, but when the authorities come to your door you can argue that you are doing your bit to fight child obesity!
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