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New bowl

Dolllar store, Thrift shop, Salvation army...all cheap which makes it easy to sample. Go for it man. I like to call the bowl search "Bowling."

Go bowling bro. Break out that dollar you refuse to spend. :laugh:
hahaha....the bowl isn't for cereal!!! It's for haircuts...I put it on my head and cut around. (I have a small head). hmmmm, using it for coffee? You may be on to something there.
I like to call the bowl search "Bowling."

This term is gonna get A LOT of use around my house!

My GF and I go to yard sales, thrift shops and small flea markets regularly for fun (and occasionally profit). Since I started using a brush to lather I've probably tried 10 different cups and bowls and haven't spent more than $1 a piece and usually less.
ah yeas a true man much like myself, i love soup mugs they make the best soap bowls

Ahhh soup! Ok...that explains allot. I thought the sign in the store said soap.

Actually I will probably start trying different sizes and shape. I would prefer something just a little bit smaller I think, but I won't pass up any interesting finds.
Nice looking large cup. I have something similar that I sometimes use. They work nicely. Decent score. Big cup like that are not all that common

Nice looking large cup. I have something similar that I sometimes use. They work nicely. Decent score. Big cup like that are not all that common

Thanks. Actually it is a bit smaller than my current bowl although a little higher. But my other bowl is too even top and bottom in diameter. I wanted more of a bowl shape; smaller at the bottom than the top.

I'd like to get my hands on one of my wife;s Longenberger bowls :w00t:

Here is the bowl I normally use. It's a good bowl....very thick.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/74700262/Lather 004.JPG
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