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Nesco - RIP

After 2.5 years of faithful service, roasting 2 batches a week, the motor went out on my Nesco Pro. :crying:
I guess it's time to up to something else...Behmor 1600???

Have a Nesco myself.

So about 250 batches, or 65 pounds of coffee... time 7... carry the 9... sounds like about 2.50 usd per pound.

May your next roaster live long and prosper.
Sounds like you got a fair number of roasts out of your Nesco, but I am sure you would be happier to see it reach 500+.

If you are considering the Behmor 1600, one obvious benefit is that you can roast larger batches and thus do fewer of them. As for longevity, someone had asked this question on another coffee forum, and there was not a lot of feedback on that thread, but one person reported having 150+, another 200+, and one person with 500+ roasts. No one had reported having any major problems, but it was noted that most had not owned their machine long enough to get a good picture of its typical lifespan.
I did my own DIY over the weekend and made a TurboCrazy. It wasn't a bad first roast, but there are some areas that need some improvement (bean stiring for one).

:thumbup: I hope yours gives you as many years of use as mine gave me.. and would continue to give me if I had not started a roasting business.
Do you still have the nesco? Ar you doing anything with it? A fin broke off the fan on mine. Maybe between us we could get one of them working well. Not sure how that happened unless something fell in there. I did run it once without the mesh filter. That could do it. At 33 pounds, so maybe 120 batches.
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