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Need your opinion

I found a great place to hunt for shave related items in my area. Is there a general rule about sharing your source on the forum? I don't want to ruin a possible "secret" spot that others use to search for treasures.

I know this spot was not picked over and the individual that I spoke to there didn't know there was a large online community for vintage shave items. He was an older gentleman who doesn't have internet.

Please let me know your opinion.

I would like to buy it all if I could but that would be unreasonable. I would rather see these items go to people who would appreciate them instead of them just being lost to time.
Is there a general rule about sharing your source on the forum? I don't want to ruin a possible "secret" spot that others use to search for treasures.

From my experience, the general rule is to flaunt the fact that you have locally available shaving products :biggrin1:

Usually, most folks spread the word on B&M stores with shaving stuff to help out their fellow shavers. Perhaps it would bring some extra business to your local guy and he could carry more products.
No rule whatsoever. Share if you like and if you don't meh, then don't. Just share the pics if you score please AND possibly his story of his collection if you can. Some old timers have neat stories....
I'm going to hold off until I talk to the guy again. If he is okay with me posting it here I will.
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