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Need your expertise identifing mft?

I saw this while snooping around the antiques this morning. It's got what appears to be a beaver stamped on the shank, no other marking or mft. I researched all afternoon, but nothing. Could this possibly be an early butch beaver? Ideas anyone??? Any help is greatly appreciated - thnx



Asides from that i did pickup a $2 os mug and a $10 extra hallow 5/8 hartford cutlery #20..... I think i'm addicted! I've been in the hobby lil over 2wks and can't wait to shave every morning :)
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I guess you have a Beaver Brand razor, a brand I never heard of before! I agree, it is addictive, it is called RAD (Razor Acquisition Disorder).
I guess you have a Beaver Brand razor, a brand I never heard of before! I agree, it is addictive, it is called RAD (Razor Acquisition Disorder).

RAD :lol1: is that what it's called. I'll probably go back and pick it up just because it appears to be real tortoise. The scales have a bit of wormholes but i think it's salvageable. Ken R. believes it might be Ontario Cutlery - myself not the slightest clue.
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