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Need to ID a safety razor - is it a NEW?

Went a car boot sale today and picked this up.

It has no markings on it all all.

Just wondered what it was and if it is worth anything.

The box seems a bit warped.
That looks to me to be a Hoffritz open comb razor; I believe they were made by Merkur. Does it say Hoffritz or Germany or anything else on the handle, near the knob on the bottom?

Nice score.
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Looks the same but mine has no markings on it.

No "Made in . . . " or "PAT . . . ".

I would think that Hoffritz/Merkur is a safe bet. I'm not enough of an expert to tell you whether or not there are unmarked ones somewhere in the history of the brand, but it is entirely possible. It is a really nice razor; I have been looking for one myself. Enjoy it!
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