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Need some serious help here!

After about a month here I now find it necessary to ask for some help.

In almost 50% of all the posts I find, there are some kind of abriviation, some of them I know, and some I have managed to figure out but I would really like some translations so that I can get the full meaning of the posts.:blush:
There is a "code key" of sorts on the site. I hope this post bumps you up to where somebody more knowledgable can post a link!

Thanks, thought it would be something like that here.
Just me not looking in the right places.
While you're there, click the Main Page link and browse though the wiki. The wiki team and others have done a fabulous job adding tons of information there, and they keep adding more all the time.
Just found it myself by putting 'DFS razor' into google as I was confused myself. One of the first results was the wiki.
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