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Need scuttle help

Two questions about robert becker scuttles. I plan to buy a medium one soon.

1. What colors do you guys like. I know personal preference is key but wanted some input, or if possible pictures. I like the celestial blue, indigo or black in that order.

2. Any tips on putting something on the bottom to keep it nice in a sink. I have a pedestal sink and don't want it clanking and sliding around.

Thanks guys
well its a white and black bath, mostly white I think solid blue or that celestial one would go well. Idk about the pattern. Is it too uneven?
I just received my Celestial Blue #5 in the mail today. Robert does a great job, and the quality versus price point is a great value. I was considering getting some thin rubber to put on the bottom so it doesn't slide around, but since it will be full of water and a little heavier than a typical mug it'll most likely stay on the vanity counter. With a vanity sink it might be a challenge to keep it from colliding with the sides of your sink. I'm not sure how to get around that one.
Do you have a picture by chance, that is the one I was thinking of getting. Tired of that tiny vdh cup that I have been using
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