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Need Lather help

How the lather looks or feels beyond what is necessary for it to perform its basic functions is really irrelevent to shaving and more a matter of appearance.

this man speaks the truth.

Also, this is not rocket surgery or brain science. This is simple. If your lather is watery, add more cream/soap. If it is too thick, add more water. But don't stress about it. Men have been shaving with soap and creams for a hundred years, it is very simple. As stated above, as long as it is allowing the blade to slide over your face and you are not getting razor burn, you have good lather, IMO.
thanks tried face lathering this morning for the first time and it went pretty well, used Mike's orange soap. had enough lather for 3 passes used astra blade in progress looking to try some other blades like Gillette blue 7 o'clock. tried crystal, personal labs, and not really happy with those. Astra seemed to not be good in my progress so for persona labs best of the three.
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