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Need ID, Please, on this Aristocrat

I tried to search the forum on my own to ID this Aristrocrat, but got stumped. Anyone know what year it is or its worth? There are no letters or stamps other than US Pat and the Gillette hallmark on the inside. It is NOS and never even had a blade put in it.


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That's a beauty! :thumbup:

I'm no expert, but the blue case and end caps make me believe it is from 46'-47', i think they changed the case in 48'
Did they have a couple of different cases in 46-47? His is white and blue, I have one like Mr-Razor's picture.
I would say it is the 1948-1950 model. The OPs razor has nerling at the top while the 1946/47 doesn't


The only reason I say that is because it is the same style as the one I just got, just in a heck of a lot better condition.

This is a mr-razor picture not one of my razor
I would say it is the 1948-1950 model. The OPs razor has nerling at the top while the 1946/47 doesn't


The only reason I say that is because it is the same style as the one I just got, just in a heck of a lot better condition.

This is a mr-razor picture not one of my razor

That seems to be correct.

That also means that mine is a 46'-47', and not and 48'-50' as I thought it was.
Mine is far from as nice as these, most of the plating is gone from the doors and some is missing on the handles, but it is a great shaver with the right blade:thumbup:
Mr. Ellis that is one gorgeous razor and case. I am a little jealous. By the way if it has boobs or wheels that makes it interesting? Right?


My elbows leak
Staff member
Don't get too caught up in knurling, Gillette did some weird things with razors over the ages. Often razors can be as effectively dated by the containers they came in as well as physical features.

That knurling pattern was also on at least the 51 Aristocrat.

The odds that this is a mix matched set, in such pristine condition is a little hard to believe. My money is on Achims ID (Mr. Razor).

Is the center bar notched or unnotched? That'll tell you.

If the razor itself looks like the one in the instructions he has with the razor, which shows an unnotched center bar, it means Mr. Razor is right.
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Don't get too caught up in knurling, Gillette did some weird things with razors over the ages. Often razors can be as effectively dated by the containers they came in as well as physical features.

That knurling pattern was also on at least the 51 Aristocrat.

The odds that this is a mix matched set, in such pristine condition is a little hard to believe. My money is on Achims ID (Mr. Razor).

Is the center bar notched or unnotched? That'll tell you.

If the razor itself looks like the one in the instructions he has with the razor, which shows an unnotched center bar, it means Mr. Razor is right.

I think I see one of those little blade stabilizer tabs on the underside of the head, which would also be found on the 46-47, but not on 48+
I think I see one of those little blade stabilizer tabs on the underside of the head, which would also be found on the 46-47, but not on 48+

I believe you are right about the head....I think I see the tab also.
I have a razor (not a complete set like this) that has a 46/47 head but also has the creased safety bar and a 48/49 etc handle. This is what one might call a "transition piece".

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I am new to vintage razors but its starting to look like Gillette is the shaving worlds equivalent to Mopar in the 60s, all sorts of near one off oddities.
If I was a betting man I would go with the transitional model too. And I thought trying to ID and date old knives was hard.
Yes the head looks like mine....46/47/48 ....with the creased safety bar.

Couple that with the 48 - 50 handle.....my guess would be that it was made late '47 or early '48.

The set is really rather special, so I'll let someone else tackle that....
If none of you want to venture a public guess regarding the value, please shoot me a PM on what you think it may be worth. My guess is between $5 and $500. It would be nice to narrow it down a bit. :001_smile
If none of you want to venture a public guess regarding the value, please shoot me a PM on what you think it may be worth. My guess is between $5 and $500. It would be nice to narrow it down a bit. :001_smile

I would definitely have to say that is a 46/47/48 transition razor because the center bar does not appear to be notched and the top of the TTO knob is not knurled as was the 46, the bottom place is creased and the top of the handle is knurled as was the 47/48

I am no expert but it is in very good condition so unless I am missing something I would venture to say someone would possibly pay $250 + for it.

However that someone would not be me :lol:

Very nice razor Bill :thumbup:
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Beautiful razor Bill. Looks just like the one I bought about 3 years ago. Wish I could remember how much I paid for it! CRS.....

It wasn't $3.79 though.

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