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Need help with my neck

I can do N-S passes on my neck without problems, but it doesn't shave close enough, especially under my jaw.
With a DE I would do a NE-SW pass (kinda ear to chin but on my neck) but I don't know how to hold the razor to achieve that. Last time I tried to do that I couldn't see what I was doing and almost nicked myself with the point.

Any advice on that?

I never liked to do S-N passes on my neck because it irritates my skin. It sure would be easier to do S-N passes than NE-SE. I tried a S-N path this morning and it was like the blade was skipping. I'm not sure what's the problem with my technic...


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
You would need to do a scything/guillotine pass, where you keep the razor more or less parallel to the floor, and as you make your pass you slide the razor from chin to ear. A diagonal stroke if you will. If you do it correctly you won't slit your throat, but instead catch all the whiskers that are growing in that XTG orientation.

Good luck and be careful!
maybe also hold the blade at a 45 angle to your line of symmetry and move E-W or W-E vs keeping the blade parallel to the ground.
You would need to do a scything/guillotine pass, where you keep the razor more or less parallel to the floor, and as you make your pass you slide the razor from chin to ear. A diagonal stroke if you will. If you do it correctly you won't slit your throat, but instead catch all the whiskers that are growing in that XTG orientation.

Good luck and be careful!

That sounds dangerous!
maybe also hold the blade at a 45 angle to your line of symmetry and move E-W or W-E vs keeping the blade parallel to the ground.

I'll give it a try. It seems that would work for under my jaw. Not sure about the lower neck.

Any idea what the problem is if the blade is skipping when I do S-N on my neck? Skin not streched enough?
You would need to do a scything/guillotine pass, where you keep the razor more or less parallel to the floor, and as you make your pass you slide the razor from chin to ear. A diagonal stroke if you will. If you do it correctly you won't slit your throat, but instead catch all the whiskers that are growing in that XTG orientation.

Good luck and be careful!

This is the equivalent to the "Gillette Slide" with a DE correct???


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
This is the equivalent to the "Gillette Slide" with a DE correct???

Yup! In truth all your passes should include a little bit of lateral motion or diagonal blade orientation. This will:

1) help the razor to slice through the stubble rather the crashing into them at right angles

2) help to maintain the edge a little bit longer. A higher angle also seems to dull a bit faster.

I've found myself doing a lot of ATG on my neck recently. I hone my own razors on coticules and they leave a lovely smooth edge. well they feel smooth, I'll see if they really are when my microscope arrives.I have the blade almost flat against my skin when I shave ATG on my neck, it stops it riding down the hair and skinning the top part of the epidermis or something. Don't bother too much about my jaw line, did find a good way of leaning into the blade though to puff out my neck and get the jaw, can't describe it and had actually forgotten it. Will try tomorrow and see if it still does the trick.
This sort of thing is why I have to settle for SAS on my neck, or final pass cleanup with a DE. Good luck to ya if you can figure it out though. :)
Youre supposed to make slicing motions when you shave...like slicing bread. Be careful if you alice too much you will cut skin. You slice with toe leads. Then heel leading. Then go atg with the spine flat.


Fridays are Fishtastic!
I cannot offer advice on grip, because with the way my hair grows must of my neck hair grows 30 degrees askew of N-S- so my first neck pass is really XTG. As to the jaw, though, I stretch really firm and it helps pull that skin off of the curve of the jaw bone.
maybe also hold the blade at a 45 angle to your line of symmetry and move E-W or W-E vs keeping the blade parallel to the ground.

I wanted to do it but I never attempted that pass. I made the move without touching my skin and it felt awkward. I had the impression the blade would dig right into my skin so I didn't do it.

I'll work on the S-N pass instead. I think it'll take some time for my skin to get accustomed to it so I'll do if for a couple of weeks before giving up on it.
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