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Need help with identification/usage

Hi all,
I recently picked up a shoe box of pre 1960s shave supplies off craigslist. Along with a Henckels straight, DEs, a strop, and blades, I found these items. I have assumptions, but I have never used anything similar. I previously honed on Norton stones and a little chinese 12k, but now mostly use lapping film. What are these and how would I use them? even links to resources would be much appreciated if this question is too broad. Are these still usable/large enough?
1 - not sure, possibly a slate of some sort
2 - looks like a Coticule
3 - looks like a stropper for DE blades.
1. Slate, most likely thuri from the looks of the sides, a bit small to hone on, can be done, but probably better served as a slurry.
2. Coticule, again very small, but you could work with it if you were patient.
3. Homemade shavette or stropper for DE or SE blades.
Thanks, all. I suppose i will have to look into coticule usage! I assume it will be difficult given the size, but it would be a nice way to experiment, plus...I started on quarter Norton hones, so it must be a theme for me

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