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Need help with brush appraisal


I am not a 'brush guy', and would appreciate some knowledgeable input on my recent acquisition.

While perusing the fleabay recently, I came across this 'antique' brush that I was rather intrigued with. Before bidding, I checked the seller's feedback and discovered that they had only sold 1 shaving brush out of approx. 400 sales. That was a good indicator to me that this was probably a true 'antique'. The seller lists many 'antiques' that I assume are acquired at estate sales. I bid, and ended up winning the item.

To my untrained eye, the reported 'glass striped' handle was very appealing and the reported 'badger hair' looked silver over most of the length of the bristles. It hasn't arrived yet, so I can't post any additional pictures.

From looking at the limited pictures below, however, I am interested and appreciative of your thoughts.
It looks like it has never been used as there is no bloom yet. A far as the color of the hair goes, any hair can be made to look like whatever the maker chooses, via bleaches and dyes.
It looks like it has never been used as there is no bloom yet.

True, although not necessarily proof that it isn't 'antique'. I'm wondering how the brush will appear when it is sitting vertical.

A far as the color of the hair goes, any hair can be made to look like whatever the maker chooses, via bleaches and dyes.

Good point.

Knowing very little about brushes in general, I'm just wondering if similar specimens are commonplace (i.e. 'striped glass' handles). It looks too symetrical to be blown glass. I haven't seen any other brushes like it, so I'm mainly just hoping it isn't some cheap production. I doubt there will be a manufacturers name on that handle (it would have had to have been a sticker originally, I presume).

Thanks for the info. Any other opinions are appreciated, and 'll add better pictures when it actually arrives.
I have not seen a striped glass handle brush, like the one in your picture, before. I have seen colored glass handles, crystal type handles, and other glass handles that were typically marketed as a "gift for him". Some could be quite pricey if they had a Designer name attached to the promotion.

Most that I have had were boar bristled made to look like badger, a few were badger that I would classify as a low grade pure. Either way if you like the handle, it is unique in my experience, it is relativity easy to have someone mount a good quality knot in the handle.
Brush arrived yesterday. Plastic handle & boar bristles. Probably not 'antique' either :biggrin1:

Sent the seller a message requesting either a full refund (so that they can re-list the item) or a partial refund (as the item has value, but I wouldn't have bid as high as I did had it been accurately described in the listing).

Sorry, no additional pictures (but it isn't anything special anyway). Neat looking handle that may be a good prospect for a new knot.
did the seller describe the brush as glass handled? how deceptive. I hope you get your money back.
Yes. Handle was described as 'striped glass' and bristles were described as badger. Still haven't received a response from the seller. I'll give a day or two more and then escalate from there. Maybe e-Bay and/or PayPal will back me up, but this is my first negative experience with a transaction, so I don't know what to expect.
Maybe e-Bay and/or PayPal will back me up, but this is my first negative experience with a transaction, so I don't know what to expect.

stick to your guns. decide what you want-full or partial refund-and if the seller doesn't accommodate you, open a case with ebay. the seller will prob. cave in to your demands, as he doesn't want to run afoul of ebay. i recently had a similar issue on an eveready black/green catalin brush, that arrived with multiple chips and dings, which were not described or shown clearly in the photo (obscured with soap scum). i, too, felt like i had overbid, and eventually received a 50% refund.
The seller gave me the partial refund I requested and I left him positive feedback.

I will probably end up purchasing a new knot, because I like the handle.
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