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Need help identifying a watch band

The watch in question: http://www.meritline.com/mens-quartz-watch-dual-time-zones-alloy-metal-strap---p-34311.aspx Watch face, by the way, is not that. It has a flashing world on it that I assume was placed in order to drain the battery as quickly as possible so I can't find inaccuracies. However, the watch DID come with a tiny little palm pillow that I can put on the back of my chair at work while I read and not rest my head on actual wooden desk.

As for the watch, yes, yes, super cheap. I know. I ordered it in the foolish hope that the band would be made of some sort of metal I would trust near my skin for more than moments, and that I could at least use to ask others in the know: "Hey, what is this?"

However, I didn't think past "ooo, I like it," when I should have been thinking, "Well, pawn shops aren't nearly as intelligent as seen on Pawn Stars, I have no watch stores nearby and only retail stores where I have found people who can barely turn a tool to take a back off, and jewelry stores won't talk to me unless I have hundreds hanging out of my pockets... think this through." And so, after that failing, I turn here.

I have a watch, a Guess watch (a gift from someone whom I really dislike, but it was still my first hefty-metal watch) that I got when I was a teen but has managed to fit with links put back in. This metalic band I really think would look good on it, or really any watch that I decide to get.

Also, a word of warning, when the band is called 'Metal' don't make assumptions that means real metal and not tin.. or something, I can't figure out JUST what this is, but holding it in my hands I can't feel any real weight. So any help would be appreciated in finding either the name of the style, or a band that looks like it so I can go from there.
It's a Chinese watch and a thousand of the most knowledgeable watch experts can not tell you who makes it...
The band is "Base Metal" (made of anything) the way the lugs are made....No watchband will fit it or it fit anything else.
At least that's how it looks in the picture...That watch was made to sell...Not to work.....IMHO
But is that band in any particular style, so I can find a real one? I love the style, but I don't know what it is called. I have searched for "Triangle link watch band" and other descriptive terms and gotten nothing, I hope this isn't one off thing. I don't care much about the face of the watch, but I had hoped that the band style was copied from somewhere. Then again.. in New York on didn't find any Brolex watches either... :angry: I guess this is going to have to be one of those things I chalk up to an "OOoo, shiny" moment that will never pan out.

Ah well. ^_^
Did you try searching ebay for metal clasp bands? I have no idea what may or may not turn up there, but if you know the width you are looking for, you might get lucky and find something after paging through the listings.
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