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Need Help - Fixing the Muhle R89

Hey guys, I'm trying to fix the bottom knob, it snaps back in but doesn't stay there, because there are no hinges. Should I just fix it with super glue? Any suggestions? They're greatly appreciated.


Is this a new razor? If so, it appears that the press fit was a bit loose and you should take the matter up with the vendor who you bought it from.

(I assume that this is not the result of you trying to take the bottom knob off for some reason. If it's the result of your actions, than an epoxy would work better than cyanoacrylate, I'd guess.)
If you decide that you are keeping this and want to fix it, I would also take the opportunity to fill the handle and add some weight to it then epoxy the knob in with a good marine grade epoxy. Be careful not to make a mess and allow a long time for it to cure before use.
If you decide that you are keeping this and want to fix it, I would also take the opportunity to fill the handle and add some weight to it then epoxy the knob in with a good marine grade epoxy. Be careful not to make a mess and allow a long time for it to cure before use.

+1 took the words right out of my mouth:thumbup1:
If you decide that you are keeping this and want to fix it, I would also take the opportunity to fill the handle and add some weight to it then epoxy the knob in with a good marine grade epoxy. Be careful not to make a mess and allow a long time for it to cure before use.

Nailed it !!!!!!!!!
That would be a great place to hide money from SWMBO.:biggrin1:

Epoxy the cap back in and as mentioned, maybe add some weight.
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