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Need advice for first brush, got a few ideas

So I decided its time to ditch my crappy shaving and start shaving well.

I've decided I'm gonna start with the merkur 38c hd and tobs cream, but there are way too many brushes.

I can spend around $80 and even though I am just starting off would like to get something silvertip or close to it. After looking I am thinking about either the omega 6212 or the shavemac 177 23mm finest.

Any opinions on those two? will the shavemac in finest still be close to silvertip? Would the hair on the shavemac be much less than the silvertip on the omega?

Anyone have any other options I should consider?

I can't address the two brushes you asked about but, in my opion, any silvertip would be a fine starter brush. The reason I say that is because I bought a $20 one off _bay and it has been a great brush for me. I enjoy all of my restored brushes, also. The ones you asked about should be much better in quality and I don't think you could go wrong with either.
If you can spend $80, Rooney in Super is what you should be looking at. What they call super is actually silvertip and quite soft. Semogue also makes silvertips in this price range, but they are a different style of brush than Rooney or Shavemac. I'd probably go with the Rooney since that seems to be the consensus choice.

I'd probably hold off on a Shavemac if you can't go silvertip.
If you can spend $80, Rooney in Super is what you should be looking at. What they call super is actually silvertip and quite soft. Semogue also makes silvertips in this price range, but they are a different style of brush than Rooney or Shavemac. I'd probably go with the Rooney since that seems to be the consensus choice.

I'd probably hold off on a Shavemac if you can't go silvertip.

+1. You can't go wrong with a Rooney Super. Let us know what kind of base you will use for your lather (creams or soaps), and we can steer you in the right direction.

Welcome to B&B.
I wish I would have started with a Rooney 3/1 Super.

If you have $ 80.00 to spend, that would be my suggestion.
I believe the knots on the Rooneys 1/1, 1/2, and 1/3 are 22mm, AFAIK. And you're looking at 23-24mm knot brushes. Sure the loft of the bristles will be taller on the Omega or Shavemac (though the Rooney will be more densely filled, fwiw) but do you really think 1-2mm is going to make that big of a difference? A 22mm brush is pretty standard and works fine for most guys.

When I think "largish" brush, I think of brushes with like 26-28mm knots. If that's what you need, it's going to cost more than $80 no matter what brand you go with.

For Rooney, you may want to give Truefitt and Hill a call. Their silvertip brushes are made by Rooney. B&B members get a 20% discount. I have the style 1, small, which is equivalent to a Rooney 1/1. However, T&H brushes don't line up exactly in terms of style and size offered because they use different style and size terminology. You can probably get the knot diameter measurements of the different brushes by giving them a call or shooting them an email if you like. Then you can make a comparison between what they are offering with the Rooney brushes Classic Shaving and Vintage Blades offer.

All that said, there is nothing wrong with those two brushes per se, and I've not tried either of them. I probably lean more to the Omega, simply because it likely has softer tips which is something I personally put a premium on because my skin is sensitive and I really prefer a softer tipped brush. YMMV.

Bottom line - it's your money and you should go for what you think might work best for you. Just throwing some other options out there.

Good luck choosing your brush.
Do you use mostly soaps or creams? I'm hunting for a good "First" brush. Acutally my second but the first cost less than $5 including soap and bowl. I'm looking at some EJs at englishshavingcompany.com. You can get a EJ med Best for around $35 shipped or a EJ Med Super for around $60. I'm still waiting for some more input myself from people who have these but I'm leaning that way. I just can't afford a Rooney right now either.
Being a college student, I have to say it is worth the money to save for the Rooney. Even if you have to wait an extra week or two for another paycheck, just put aside the extra money. You won't regret it, they really are superb brushes. And the 20% off from T&H doesn't hurt.
I would get a Rooney 3-1 in Super, or email Shavemac and ask for a custom-made brush. It's no extra charge, and you can pick out whatever handle you like! I recommend a 21mm knot and a 45mm loft in Finest hair.
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