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Need a carrying tube for my brush

I am a fan of an empty pill bottle with some holes drilled into the top. I always offer to pay for them (pill bottle) but never had too.
My first brush was an Omega Stripey, http://www.amazon.com/Omega-Stripey-Badger-Shaving-63171/dp/B000KJSVSE/ref=pd_sbs_hpc_1

It came in a plastic tube with a stand. This is what I use to travel with. The stand is cheap plastic that fits in the tube and keeps the brush from falling out. The bottom of the stand is open so it allows the brush to breath while keeping it in the tube.

It's all quite functional. You may not be using the cheap stand in your home bathroom, but on the road it's a different story. I use it all the time. The brush is good for travel as well. In fact, it was my main brush when I first started wet shaving. I think if you pick up any Omega brush that comes with a stand, you'll get the same kind of setup.
If you take the brush to the drug store you can usually find a pill bottle that fits it very closely-a custom fit-so it takes up no extra room in your kit, won't rattle around and get damaged. It is transparent so TSA won't make you open it. You can get a snap or screw or safety lid and if you know the pharmacist and/or show the courtesy of buying something (like other shaving supplies) they are usually free. I have found that female pharmacists are usually intrigued by that use of the bottle!
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