Anyone an expert in this area? I am fascinated by the very recent reports that scientists comparing human and Neandertal DNA seem to have concluded that homo sapiansand Neandertal's interbred, but I am also fascinated by this as an example of scientific reporting and the issue of whether the orthodox science is often wrong, so that collectively we should strive to always be open to re-explorinig fundamental theories taken for granted.
First, I thought that prior to these results the majority theory was that homo sapiens and Neandertals were separate species and therefore could not interbred, while there was some minority thinking that some of the skelatal evidence showed individuals who seemed too have characteristics of each. The news reports I have read either do not mention that lots of scientists asserted strongly that there could not be interbreeding or that that theory was a minority one. [I conclude that news folks do not like to do homework, and that scientists are loathe to point out previously errors in thinking.]
Second, the reports seem to say that they think the gene flow was one way. What would be the expanation for that other than we really do not have all that many examples of Neandertal DNA, whereas a modern humans DNA has had thousands of years to intermix since the Neandertal specimen. Seems like a meaningless conclusion to me.
It sounds like wonderful science. Is it as groundbreakinig as it seems?
First, I thought that prior to these results the majority theory was that homo sapiens and Neandertals were separate species and therefore could not interbred, while there was some minority thinking that some of the skelatal evidence showed individuals who seemed too have characteristics of each. The news reports I have read either do not mention that lots of scientists asserted strongly that there could not be interbreeding or that that theory was a minority one. [I conclude that news folks do not like to do homework, and that scientists are loathe to point out previously errors in thinking.]
Second, the reports seem to say that they think the gene flow was one way. What would be the expanation for that other than we really do not have all that many examples of Neandertal DNA, whereas a modern humans DNA has had thousands of years to intermix since the Neandertal specimen. Seems like a meaningless conclusion to me.
It sounds like wonderful science. Is it as groundbreakinig as it seems?