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Nancy Boy Signiture vs Replenishing Cream

Hey. I have used TOBS, AOS, GFT creams and I find that Nancy Boy is the best. I have always used the signature scent, but am curious about the replenishing cream. Does any have any thoughts on the replenishing cream?
I have both, and like both the same. The replenishing provides the same great lather that the signature does, only diffrence is the scent. Replenishing has a very nice refreshing cucumber scent. I suggest you pick up the replenishing after shave gel as well. Maybe get the travel sizes to try out. Dont forget to join their club and get great discounts and deals, Im a big time nancy fan and currently use pretty much all their shaving, shower & home related products. Good stuff!!
I received a sampler of the signature scent and love it. It's right up there with Cella as my two favorites. I'll have to try the replenishing cream now.
This post alone will make me buy this cream,even though I do not need it.


Fantastic...You don;t need to get both. One will do. If you have sensitive skin, use Replenishing (although the cucumber smell is intense and some don;t like it). Otherwise, the smell of Signature is amazing (imo). The lather is awesome :thumbup1:

Another thing is that some have reported this creme going rancid after some time. I store mine in the fridge and it's been fine. I take what I need in a sample container and put the rest back in the fridge. I do this will all my cremes
I think they smell different for sure. I like the signature better in terms of the smell.

But I think the replenishing feels a little better on my face, just don't like the smell as much.

both very good.
How is the slickness of these products?

I'm not so much a fan of mounds of dense lather, but prefer a nice slick lather. How do these stack up?
How is the slickness of these products?

I'm not so much a fan of mounds of dense lather, but prefer a nice slick lather. How do these stack up?

I don't get mounds of lather from this stuff at all. The lather is thick and creamy but not very voluminous. In terms of "slickness" I can say that it isn't a slippery lather like MWF, but it does provide an exquisite glide. This stuff is winning me over more and more every day.
I had originally chucked my tub of Nancy Boy Signature scent aside some months ago. I recently began revisiting my "box of stuff I might sell on the BST if I ever got a camera," and I've managed to come to terms with the scent. It shaves well, but I won't be buying it again, at least not in their Signature scent.
The scent of the signature cream is one of my favorites and I've found the performance to be great as well. The quality of ingredients is top notch (all natural blah blah organic parabens blah); the signature cream is incredibly nourishing to the skin.
It's the best cream I've used, just awesome stuff. I don't like the smell of the replenishing but the signature is great.
I just received the replenishing cream and it's just as good as the signature scent. The only difference is the cucumber scent. Some people don't like the scent but I think it's fine. The lather from either is the best.

I am going to now use either Nancy Boy or Cella from here out.
I have tried both and love the replenishing more than the signature SC. I find that the replenishing SC is milder on my sensitive skin and I love the smell of cucumbers to boot.

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