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Names of Japanese brand western style straights

Well I ordered shavettes but they got lost in the mail twice >.< stupid post office.

Now I'm looking for japanese western style strait razors. Doing some research before buying one. Anyone know any names and brands of them? Other then eBay where should I look? I'm thinknh they are really rare
They are actually very numerous.

One of the major makers (who is noow deceased) is a man named Tanifuji. He made razors under his own name 'Tanifuji' and also under a number of different names as well. One of the surviving ones still available (in knife stores here in Japan) is 'Robuso'.

Others are:


H. Diamond


There are also Japanese made framebacks that come in a large variety of names as well.

If I can think of more I will post them.
Where might a person purchase one of these? Saw photos of kikuboshi and they so nice. Gona be my first straight razor :) but gona do way mire research before jumping in
There are very few razor makers left in Japan, and those that do are pretty much only making the wakamisori.

Any Kikuboshi, H. Diamond, or other is going to have to be picked up via auction or luck in an antique shop.

They are not commonly in the BST either. I have had and sold around 30~40 Japanese straights any they are all very high quality even if they need to be cleaned up. All of the ones I have honed I have thought I wanted to keep, but I ended up selling them to keep my RAD in check.

I'll keep any eye peeled for one and if I come across one I will try to remember to let you know. You could check in with me every once in a while if you want to remind me to keep looking. Cause right now I have what I want and am very satisfied with my equipment and haven't been looking and buying for a while.

Although I did just buy an Iwasaki Kamisori....:redface:
I was lucky to pick this up for $15.10 US on the bay ,from the sholder its a 6/8 from the top of the spine its a 7/8 so here is another to add to the list ,also I was wondering if someone could translate the inscription on the back shank and tell me a bit about the maker as it is an excellent shaver and holds a great edge
Kind regards Peter
Lucky!!! I was bidding on one few weeks ago. But I fell asleep and someone sniped it 16.50. >.< starlet. Are they common????
I was lucky to pick this up for $15.10 US on the bay ,from the sholder its a 6/8 from the top of the spine its a 7/8 so here is another to add to the list ,also I was wondering if someone could translate the inscription on the back shank and tell me a bit about the maker as it is an excellent shaver and holds a great edge
Kind regards Peter

The first three characters: &#12516;&#12473;&#12461;

reads as: Yasuki

Now those are written in katakana which, in modern day, is often used for loan words or japanese transliteration of words. You'd also use it for science terms and brand names. Yasuki doesn't sound like loan word... so odds are that's a brand name.

I don't recognize the kanji, but I know less than a japanese kindergardener...so... I'll fish for it.


The kanji is &#37628;



Yasuki Steel.

I was looking through a kanji dictionary by stroke count, and I was guessing a stroke or two was missing so...18 strokes or more, until I started to notice a lot of similar symbols were 'armor' and 'chain' and finally my brain worked and...yeah, googled for the kanji for steel.
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thanks for the info,you obviously know more than me,I know absolutely ZIP about these types of razors,therefore my handle of ZIPPO is rather appropiate in this case
Kind regards Peter
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