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N i kon d3000

hey! anyone use, or have any thoughts on the D3000? they come with a 3x zoom lens, are they a good thing? i dont know much about these, asking for someone who wants to get started in SLR cameras
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You don't really have to worry about if the d3000 is a good camera or not. It is. Not only that, but all of the dslr offerings from the major brands are good cameras, and they are better cameras than what the professionals were using two decades ago.

So, to answer the two questions you asked, (sort of): Should you get started with a d3000?

Well, the d3000 is a fine camera, and you can do great work with it, but realize that you are buying into a system. The n!kon system. If you have peers or friends that already use the n!kon system, then a d3000 would be perfect because they will know your camera (as in, be able to tell you where all the functions are, etc) and they will be able to lend you components (lenses, flashes, etc). This is much more valuable than any other of the features that are on the marketing materials.

As for if the 3x zoom lens is a good thing, it is pretty much the cheapest dslr lens that you can buy, but even the cheapest dslr lens is better than most p&s lenses. Realize that it is a plastic bodied, fading aperture 5.6 lens. If this means nothing to you, then get it and be happy with it.
ok, this isnt for me but for my girl, whos interested in a step up from happy snappers. went to a shop today, the salesman recomended something like this https://shop.1wow.com.au/productcart/pc/FUJI-BLACK-CAMERA-10MP-30X-OPTICAL--17p12261.htm

or as he said, even better, this


apparently basically a slr, but more user friendly for beginners, no fancy lenses to buy, and less maintenance..

whats everyones thoughts, i wanna get the best for her needs, at the best value for me, but not something so good im gonna be bummed if she uses it once and decides it isnt her thing after all
bit confusing all these options, all these cameras im looking at are around the same price ($600)
apparently basically a slr, but more user friendly for beginners, no fancy lenses to buy, and less maintenance..

You sir, just made me laugh.

No fancy lenses to buy? That's like saying that you should disposable razors because you won't have to buy those fancy blades in the future.

Besides, how is owning an evf less maintenance than owning an slr?
haha beats me.. im just passing on what the salesman said, i dont have a clue on cameras, hence why im posting all this. what would you purchase if you were in my situation?
ahhh google says im comparing bridge cameras, and slrs. lots to learn in this picture taking game!!
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