I just received my batch of sample soaps today. Whipped up a quick test lather and all I can say is wow. I did a quick palm lather and there was no way I could even begin to hold all of the lather I got out of about 5-10 seconds of load time. The lather was super thick with tons of cushion. Hard to judge how slick it was until I try to shave with it (there have been a few instances where I thought a soap was slick until my razor started sticking a little on strokes) then I can properly judge that aspect, but needless to say, I was blown away by what I have noticed so far.
I can't wait to compare it with Mike's Natural, which I have several samples coming in from there as well. If more of the artisan soaps are like this, I can see why many people use them exclusively. This has definitely piqued my interest for trying other artisan soaps.
I can't wait to compare it with Mike's Natural, which I have several samples coming in from there as well. If more of the artisan soaps are like this, I can see why many people use them exclusively. This has definitely piqued my interest for trying other artisan soaps.
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