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Mystic Water Soaps

I just received my batch of sample soaps today. Whipped up a quick test lather and all I can say is wow. I did a quick palm lather and there was no way I could even begin to hold all of the lather I got out of about 5-10 seconds of load time. The lather was super thick with tons of cushion. Hard to judge how slick it was until I try to shave with it (there have been a few instances where I thought a soap was slick until my razor started sticking a little on strokes) then I can properly judge that aspect, but needless to say, I was blown away by what I have noticed so far.

I can't wait to compare it with Mike's Natural, which I have several samples coming in from there as well. If more of the artisan soaps are like this, I can see why many people use them exclusively. This has definitely piqued my interest for trying other artisan soaps.
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I can't wait to compare it with Mike's Natural, which I have several samples coming in from there as well. If more of the hobbyist soaps are like this, I can see why many people use them exclusively. This has definitely piqued my interest for trying other hobbyist soaps.

Mystic Waters soap is awesome. One of my very favorites.

I'm not sure I'd call Michelle from Mystic Waters a hobbyist, though. She's a pro. I've PM'd with her a bit, and followed her posts in this and the Skin, Body & Hair Care forum, and she knows more about soap than anyone I've ever encountered. That's why her shaving soap is so good.

Let us know how your first shave goes with Mystic Waters. I think you're going to be very pleased.

Mystic Waters soap is awesome. One of my very favorites.

I'm not sure I'd call Michelle from Mystic Waters a hobbyist, though. She's a pro. I've PM'd with her a bit, and followed her posts in this and the Skin, Body & Hair Care forum, and she knows more about soap than anyone I've ever encountered. That's why her shaving soap is so good.

Let us know how your first shave goes with Mystic Waters. I think you're going to be very pleased.


Very true, I guess I just used hobbyist to differentiate her, and others like her, who make good high quality, non-mass produced soaps. Basically not one of the huge multinational conglomerates.
Very true, I guess I just used hobbyist to differentiate her, and others like her, who make good high quality, non-mass produced soaps. Basically not one of the huge multinational conglomerates.

For Michelle and Mike and Matthew from QCS, I usually prefer to call them "artisans". They are like the microbreweries of soap. :biggrin1:

And just like I prefer to drink Three Floyds or Lagunitas instead of Miller or Coors, I prefer to support artisan soap makers instead of the big names. Great products, great prices, and very personal customer service.



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One of the best soap makers out there and a super lady to do business with.

I have gone thru a few tubs and have 3 more in my drawer to use.
I love, love, love my Mystic Water soaps! I find they're the easiest soaps in my den to lather up.

Rochester, MN, eh? My hometown! I still get down there a bit too. Have you found the locally made shaving soap from "Bubbles By Brooks"? I found it on sale at HyVee a few weeks ago for just $4.49 or so. The smell of the Bay Rum was fantastic, but unfortunately, the performance was disappointing. The lather just didn't hold up. It will be my next shower soap.
I haven't found that, I'll have to look for it. Perhaps they have improved the formula so it lathers better, but worth trying out soap from a local maker. Thanks.
On my list as well as DR Harris and I think I will have covered a lot of soap, I should put a spreadsheet of my findings together.
One of the best soap makers out there and a super lady to do business with.

+ a lot.
Soaps are great, prices are very good considering the quality of the soap, and she is a pleasure to email with if you're not sure which of the options you'll like most.
By far the best scents I've had in a soap (Bay Rum particularly) and the post-shave feel is in a league of its own.
I will be shaving tonight with one of the samples I received, I look forward to it, and will update with my experience.


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Green Fairy is my favorite scent out of the tub. i haven't shaved with it yet, but it smells delicious.

Rosalimone was a great tub, Lavender/Lime was also another winner.
Shaved with her Sensitive Skin soap today. Just superb stuff. Great lather and a great shave.

As it says on the Mystic Waters site, Michelle avoids coconut oil in her shaving soaps, which is why they are especially non-drying.

Unfortunately I am in the group that cannot get any sustainable lather from these soaps. It's like using modern day Pen's or Trumper's. Watch the lather evaporate as you shave!
Unfortunately I am in the group that cannot get any sustainable lather from these soaps. It's like using modern day Pen's or Trumper's. Watch the lather evaporate as you shave!

David: what method are you using to lather your Mystic Waters?

I use Jim's method: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/21136-How-to-make-great-lather-from-a-soap-Tutorial

The only thing I do differently is use cool water rather than warm or hot, but I'm not sure if that's an important variable.

I definitely got better results once I started squeezing the water out of my brush first, and then loading the soap for a full minute or more. Also, my boar brushes seem to load soap more easily than my silvertip badger, but others have reported that any brush works for them.

David, have you tried loading your brush more? Roughing up the top of the puck so the brush will pick up more soap? If you pm me I'd be happy to try to help.
Hello Michelle. I've tried it all ways. Wet brush, dry brush, badger/boar, hot/cold, and loading for a full 2 minutes. A great lather to start with, no problem, but then it's gone before finishing one side. Even the remaining lather in the brush has evaporated within minutes. I passed the two soaps on to a friend and he reports exactly the same thing happening. I'm sure it's a water issue.
I've tried it all ways. Wet brush, dry brush, badger/boar, hot/cold, and loading for a full 2 minutes. A great lather to start with, no problem, but then it's gone before finishing one side. Even the remaining lather in the brush has evaporated within minutes. I passed the two soaps on to a friend and he reports exactly the same thing happening. I'm sure it's a water issue.

You answered my question just as I was posting it.

Have you tried using distilled water, just to remove that variable?

Do you have problems with any other soap, or just Mystic Waters?

You answered my question just as I was posting it.

Have you tried using distilled water, just to remove that variable?

Do you have problems with any other soap, or just Mystic Waters?


Nick, other than the generally known issues with the other 2 brands I have mentioned, absolutely no problem with other soaps. I haven't tried distilled water. I'll see if I can get my soaps back.
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