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Mystery Soap?

I went antiquing with my wife a couple of weeks ago and found a not so old but well used coffee cup sized shaving mug that I liked and it was only five bucks so I took it home.
The mug had a puck of shaving soap in it that was sticking out the top and didn't fit the mug at all.
When I got home I rinsed a layer of dried crud off of the puck and found that I really liked the smell - (kind of like something you would smell in an old barber shop) - and it felt really smooth and nice.
I tried it the next morning and was really impressed!!! I'm sure it's tallow based and it's the best hard soap I've used!
It lathers better and smells better than Tabac and it leaves my face feeling smoother than Mitchell's Wool Fat! It's an amazing soap!

Here is the problem,
I have no idea what this soap is or if it's even made any more. But if it is, I would certainly like to get more of it.

Here is the best I can describe it:

It's 3 inches across the top and 1 1/4 inches thick with smooth tapered sides and a smooth bottom. I'm sure it was made to fit their container. The top of the puck it is rimmed with two 1/4 inch ridges and from there it drops into a nearly 1/2 inch deep bowl shaped depression. There are no marks of any kind.
The smell is kind of like Tabac, but not as strong, and a bit more earthy.
I'd like to post a picture but I've been using it and the shape has changed quite a bit.

Does any one have any ideas what it might be?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Sorry Chuck. That's a tough one. Many soapmakers shave come and gone. I suggest that you use it sparingly until it's gone.
Sounds like a puck of Old Spice. What a great shaving soap.

I don't remember seeing it for sale anywhere so it sounds like it's not made any more?:frown:
If thats the case it's a real shame because this stuff is the best!
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