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My wife's maiden DE voyage

Dear B&B friends:

For months, since I joined the ranks of the cartridge converted by taking up DE wet shaving, I've been touting the joys of my newly found pleasure to my wife, who has (as expected) been using disposables ever since she can remember. I've always mentioned transitioning her over to DEs, but given her palpable fear every time I changed one of my own blades, I figured this would always be a solo venture.

Fast forward to last week, when just on a lark, I brought it up again. Instead of the standard issue dismissive look she normally granted me, I was instead greeted with a gentle "would it cut me?" Taken aback, I froze in my tracks, only to recover quickly and sprint over to my TOBS Grapefruit, which I brought over to her (knowing she is a citrus product devotee). As I opened the jar and lifted it to her face, her lips curled ever so slightly northward, and I knew I had found my opportunity.

She finally agreed tonight was the night (flashback to high school? Alas, my brain wanders). I loaded up arguably my smoothest shaver, the GoodFella (with a Bulldog handle to provide additional balance), along with an Astra SS, and whipped up the creamiest bowl of TOBS-G I could muster. Between the two of us, I don't know who was more apprehensive...not having the benefit of my own face to experience the strokes, I was holding my breath for the first gentle pass. I just kept telling myself, "no pressure," but she has such fine hair (compared to my coarse wiry mug) I couldn't tell if I was getting anything. Imagine my relief when I asked her to check, and she replied "wow - it's really smooth!"

Once we had conquered one leg, I added a little more TOBS to the bowl and a touch of hot water to reinvigorate the lather, and the second leg was a breeze (although again, I proceeded very deliberately and unidirectionally - no J-Hooks or buffing!). After she rinsed, we did the closeness test and - guess what - BBS! (Yes, she learned - and lived - her very first wet shaving term.)

The net: I think I may have a DE convert in my household! She did inquire whether the hair would appear more slowly versus her disposables, which for me certainly rings true, but difficult to say in her case. Nevertheless, if she does decide to take another plunge, I'm more than happy to add a few minutes every week to my daily shaving routine to share some additional quality time with my wife - and get her legs "fashion model smooth" in the process.


Todd R.
Wow, congrats on the convert! Now you can both enjoy DE shaving and whipping up bowls of lather. Great story IMO :)
Congrats. I've been trying to convert my wife, but she thinks it would make her have to go really slow to avoid being cut.
no luck converting my wife to de, but i might get her to try some of the creams i have. some are citrus scented, and then of course i have some vostok, so i think she would go for those.
what a gentleman you are Todd! selflessly using your best shaving gear in order to introduce a new member to the wetshaving community with nary a concern or expectation of getting anything in return for yourself. I hope your wife appreciates what a great man she has at her side.

I bow to your greatness sir - you are indeed a credit to the wetshaving community!!! (btw, your post was very well written.)
Hmmm... My wife loves my shaving soaps, but this has not converted her as yet. She has the same squeamishness on sharp blades as OP's wife apparently has.
Similar experience I had with my wife. Had to order a Parker 29L for her after the first 'test' shave.
My wife liked it when I loaded the blade in a Merkur 38c for her. Liked it when I made the lather, but when I left her to do these things on her own she gave up on it. Congrats to the OP.
No luck here. I nearly choked when my wife came home with a Venus cartridge razor this weekend that cost $8 for one cartridge. I haven't given up though.


Now half as wise
My wife claimed my EJ89 and Omega Pro, along with my tub of TOBS Lavendar, and never looked back. I did restore a vintage handle with a 26mm knot that she now uses, but otherwise she has , thankfully, voided the ADs that so many of us succumb to!
My wife was an almost instant convert. She had used disposables for the bulk of our marriage, but after I started this she immediately became interested (primarily because of cost of blades). She had shaved with her father's DE razor when she was in high school. In any case, days after I started, she had me get her a NOS Lady Gillette (she wouldn't use a razor someone else had used first. don't know where that cost motivation went. :wink2:) She has no problems and gets a closer shave than I do with no cuts or irritation. I am a little jealous of the result, but I love her smooth legs. :001_smile
what a gentleman you are Todd! selflessly using your best shaving gear in order to introduce a new member to the wetshaving community with nary a concern or expectation of getting anything in return for yourself. I hope your wife appreciates what a great man she has at her side.

I bow to your greatness sir - you are indeed a credit to the wetshaving community!!! (btw, your post was very well written.)

Many thanks everyone for the nice words...

For those who are still trying to convert their loved ones, patience and the occasional well-placed whiff of something she loves (and you shave with) might start her wheels in motion...

And I will only hope she continues on the path to DEnlightenment! Of course, with the journey may come the inevitable...

"Honey, I was thinking about Christmas...and how nice it would be to find a Cobra Classic in my stocking!"
"Honey, about that Astra blade...I've been reading up on Kai and I think I'm ready."
"Honey, while you were gone, I pulled out your R41 and think we need to go to the Emergency Room."

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