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My thoughts on my interaction with Enchante

As they say, "he saw you comin'."

It makes good business sense to forgo the $150 sale if you can hook a customer for a much larger purchase. Why sell you just a brush, when he can sell you the soap, paste, balm, cloth, A/S, etc. etc.?

He's a great salesman, no question... and I'm glad the experience was so tremendous for you -- it's nice to find something (whether it be Method shaving, tallow-based soaps, an adjustable razor, etc.) that takes your shaves to the next level!

He did - and frankly, I knew it, too.

He could have just sold me a Shavemaster, but instead he created a long term customer. I was willing and knew what was going on, and am still impressed.

Think about the broader implications there - if more businesses could be that successful in their conversion rates... There is something to be learned from Charles' service approach, more than his method. :)
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