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My Soon to Be Single Edge Collection (Mostly)

I just won these on ebay yesterday, and I Can’t Wait to Receive them.
I Have Already Identified a Few, But I Wondered if you guys could help.
Below is a Picture, And as You can see they need a bit of TLC, But I’m Sure it can Be Done.
I’m hoping the handle is usable on the old type, Or Can be Fixed.
If so, both it and The Gillette New? That is Nearby would be perfect for Future Replating.
I forgot to add that I bought them all for a total of $27.85.
Did I Do good here?

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That SE with the round handle has a high probability of being a Damaskeene (the one next to the old type). Couple of MMOC, couple of bullet knob MM, a Gillette new type, GEM feather weight, what might be a auto strop, and a Schick I model injector.

Nice group of razors.
I think bottom left is a clone of an Old type. And just above it a ball end Old type. I agree with turtle on his evaluations, otherwise.
The 2 in the center, top and middle (Under the injector) could also be clog prufs. Cant tell with them "face down". If it has a safety bar it's a Clog Pruf. If it has a comb then Open Comb. BEWARE All razors in the Micro Mantic family are aggressive razors. Especially the Open Comb. Do a bit of research /seek advise before using. The upper right is for sure an Auto Strop. Cant tell the model on it either in that position... Nice haul !!!
Yep micromatics are aggressive, But I Really like The one I got. Even Though I got a nice patch of razor burn the first time I used it. I have had great Experiences From that razor Since. I'll be sure to post more pictures when I Can.
Heh, once you've got the angle down, SE's are great. Heck out of all my razors, the 1912 ER was the one I had replated. Nice haul. Hopefully they'll clean up well for you!
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