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My skin is clear again!

As you may have read in my other posts, I have yet again been having problems recently with some nasty in grown hairs and razor bumps. I had about 4 or 5 of them, and they were quite large and very noticeable... i.e. embarrassing.

I had previously had fairly good results from Tend Skin and PFB Vanish (although this stopped working after about a week for some reason) but they were just reducing the size of the red bumps, and not actually making them go away. I tried Tea Tree oil, which helped a bit, but really dried my skin out something chronic... I also tried making a dissolved aspirin solution, which had limited success. I was at my wits end as i'd had these bumps for weeks and weeks.

In a 'i'll try anything' moment I ordered another product, and swore to myself that if this didn't work then I would see a dermatologist. The product was Anthony Ingrown Hair Solution.

Now this was mighty expensive - 25 GPB for an average sized container. (no doubt cheaper in the states!) but I gave it a go. Unlike other treatments i'd used, it was a thin gel as opposed to a straight liquid, so you can use your hands to massage it on. It is not drying like tend skin, and doesn't sting anywhere near as much... more of a tingle.

I applied it twice a day over a period of 4 or 5 days not shaving. (my standard routine for trying to rid shaving nasties when I get them bad) The result - I cannot remember a time when my skin looked so clear. There is a TINY remain of one of the bumps, that looks like small shaving nik, but apart from that all the redness is gone, and so have the bumps. Some of them were BAD.

This isn't to say it will work this well for everyone, and it is bloody expensive, but I do believe I have truly found the product I have been looking for to help keep my skin looking at its best. 10 out of 10!
Thats great that you found something to work for you. I do have a question though? I have been getting little blemish on my cheeks and seem to get rid of them. Did it cure any of those blemishes or have you been using something esle? Thanks
Glad you found something that worked for you!

BTW be careful with that signature... if a mod sees it you might never get rid of it again...
Thats great that you found something to work for you. I do have a question though? I have been getting little blemish on my cheeks and seem to get rid of them. Did it cure any of those blemishes or have you been using something esle? Thanks

It depends what you mean by blemish... i'm pretty sure it would help with anything similar!
If it's like this stuff http://www.amazon.com/Anthony-Logistics-Ingrown-Hair-Treatment/dp/B000K7BNM2 , it's an exfoliant with the main ingredients of glycolic, salicylic, and phytic acid. If you like the stuff but want something cheaper when you run out, you can buy Oxy or Clearasil pads that contain salicylic acid. Here in the US glycolic acid is also available inexpensively over the counter, however I find continued use of glycolic acid turns the skin somewhat more sensitive vs. salicylic acid, and salicylic acid penetrates into pores in the skin. You might want to take a day or two off the stuff once or twice a week just to let your skin rest.
If it's like this stuff http://www.amazon.com/Anthony-Logistics-Ingrown-Hair-Treatment/dp/B000K7BNM2 , it's an exfoliant with the main ingredients of glycolic, salicylic, and phytic acid. If you like the stuff but want something cheaper when you run out, you can buy Oxy or Clearasil pads that contain salicylic acid. Here in the US glycolic acid is also available inexpensively over the counter, however I find continued use of glycolic acid turns the skin somewhat more sensitive vs. salicylic acid, and salicylic acid penetrates into pores in the skin. You might want to take a day or two off the stuff once or twice a week just to let your skin rest.

I have tried some Oxy type products in the past that contain salicylic acid etc, and they didn't seem to do much. One was a cleansing pad, and one was like a cream/ointment. Might be worth trying again... but to be honest this stuff works so well for me I don't want to stop using it in case I get breakouts again.
I have some of this coming on Tuesday and will report my results after using it. I have one small area on my jaw line that keeps getting 2/3 ingrowns that won't go away.
Just my 2 cents, since you were commenting on the price. The chemical exfoliants like glycolic acid and salicylic acid are probably the things working for you. I'm not sure how all this stuff works exactly but it does. I use a Clearasil pad once a day, almost every day. I can feel some ingrowns on my neck starting to form but they seem to go away. I think the pad also helps brush up the hairs away from the skin. I still have acne at age 31 so the fact it helps with ingrown hairs is a bonus.

Not shaving against the grain is an option but I like to have a close shave on my neck.

It would be an interesting experiment to shave with a Mach 3 or Sensor, use the salicylic acid, and see if I still get ingrowns. But I can think of alot of other reasons not to use a cartridge razor other than to avoid ingrown hairs.
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