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My skin is angry at me

I've always been lucky enough to have good skin, a bit oily at times but nothing worse than that.
And I've always taken good care of myself, nutrition, exercise, the whole works.

The last 6 months have been rough, a new baby means terrible sleep patterns, zero exercise, a lousy diet, wayyyyy too much caffeine, all the bad habits hit at once. I somehow gained more weight during the pregnancy than my wife did! :blink: What's really surprised me is that my face is acting up all over the place. Irritation, breakouts, dark spots, everything you can imagine. I knew that lifestyle played a big role in skin health, but I'm flabbergasted at how direct the correlation is.

I PROMISE to start getting in shape tomorrow. First, I need to polish off these cookies, then that beer isn't going drink itself!
ah, babies. well for me, and work with me here, when I had my first baby, I relied on puffy face masks and kiehls facial fuel (moisturizer) after shaves to wake me up. but I didn't use a de back then. anyhow it does wonders. also, learn to nap again.. your body will thank u
Going through it right now with a 5 day old girl. Haven't had more than 2 hours sleep at a time yet. It takes it's toll on our skin. I try to nap as often as possible, and exercise.......yeah, that's not going to happen for a while.
Take naps, drink lots of water and get your exercise through going for walks with the baby in the pram. Look on the bright side though. You now have a real-life baby's bum to compare your shave to!
I PROMISE to start getting in shape tomorrow. First, I need to polish off these cookies, then that beer isn't going drink itself!

Well you have to take care of the beer and cookies before anything else. It is comfort food, and you must have something to wash the cookies down with. Just add some monster energy drinks and you will be okay! :blink:

With both of my pregnancies, my husband had gained more than me. I call it sympathy weight. The beauty is, women lose it almost instantly. This is probably the only time in a woman's life we can actually take off the pounds faster.

GO TAKE A NAP! :thumbup:
I have two kids and gained weight with my wife during pregnancy, it sounds all too common in men.

My theory is that there is something programmed into the male brain to bulk up during the pregnancy because if food is scarce after the baby is born the nutrition is needed for the mother to breastfeed for the survival of both.
Congrats on the new baby. We have a one year old and we still don't get as much sleep as we'd like. It does get better though. Thankfully, there is still time to shave while the baby is asleep in the morning.
Congrats on the baby! My kids are now a bit older - 11 and 9, but I remember those days like it was yesterday. Nowadays I see a direct correlation between stress at work and my skin. Working out is a HUGE help. It de-stresses and makes you sleep better....a double benefit.
Congratulations! I certainly understand some of what you've got going on, I have an 8 week old son at home.

While I haven't been a father quite as long as you, I can offer a few things that have worked for me:

For exercise, is it possible for you to get a little exercise at lunchtime at work? I take 20-30 minutes to walk most days at lunch. It might not be a lot, but it helps. Then, most evenings is another short walk with my wife, the baby, and the dogs.
For diet, a few ideas to look into. The first thing is that I make a bunch of food on the weekends that we can heat up during the week. I'll grill enough meat for most of the week, and try to make up some healthy sides too. It tastes better than the store-bought processed stuff, and is healthier and cheaper too. Also, consider organic produce delivery if it's available in your area. Each week, I get a box of produce delivered to my doorstep, and I do get to control what's in it. It's not the cheapest way to get produce, but the quality and selection have been good, and it's easy. Plus, by getting that produce, I try really hard to use it, I don't want to waste it.

Enjoy the time with your baby!
I PROMISE to start getting in shape tomorrow. First, I need to polish off these cookies, then that beer isn't going drink itself!

You know Chris....if you really meant this...you would PIF those cookies and beers. I'm sure some stand up B&B member would take one for the team so your skin will heal. Just sayin' :whistling:
Take naps, drink lots of water and get your exercise through going for walks with the baby in the pram. Look on the bright side though. You now have a real-life baby's bum to compare your shave to!

+1 and congrats!

yea..me n my wife went for walks 2x a day..always helped to de stress and talk about each others day...now our daughter is almost 4..she makes us get out of our apt..ha!
Good luck to you, Chris and congrats on the new baby. If you need help with the skin, you should really consider getting some Unrefined Organic Shea Butter. Amazing moisturizer and skin healer.
Congratulations on the baby. Try to replace the comfort food with fruit and veg. A good one if you can is raw carrots. Crunchy and healthy. Oranges are good for your skin as well, I would add bananas as well. Lots of vitamins and fruitose to keep you going.
I know how that WAS. My son is now 13. He started sleeping through the night at around 4-6 weeks old. In the meantime, meaning before that, he woke every hour or so to be fed or changed and it was like a sick form of torture. Alas, he can now basically take care of himself. I do have to tell him it's time for a shower once in awhile. Just enjoy them when they are little, they don't stay that way forever.

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