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My Shave Den!!

Finally getting around to showing off my Den. Due to SWMBO, I have a limited ability to keep stuff out. But here is what the counter looks like:

My brush and a razor (or two) have their place of honor on a soap dish:

A couple straights, a fan, and a tube of cream reside in a toothbrush holder:

And, looking behind the curtain (under the sink) we see what is kept out of view. Not a bad collection for 6 months in, huh? I think there are less than 10 non-shaving related items in there. I also have a drawer that I keep my current rotation of shave soap mugs in.
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My wife thinks you're nuts. She hasn't seen your den, but it looks a lot like mine...and she thinks I'm nuts :biggrin1:

Nice den! :thumbup:

We have a double sink and I have now claimed a full half of it so I have more stuff out, but most of the stuff that I don't use daily lives under the sink. I have found that I am pulling out more and more non-shaving items and either tossing or relocating them to make room for more shave gear.

- Steve :001_cool:
Yeah, we've got a double sink too. That's my half. If the bathroom door and our bedroom door are open, and they usually are, then you can see straight into the bathroom from the hallway. She wants it to look nice and not cluttered. So I'm limited to what fits on the soap dish and toothbrush holder.

I get that, but wasn't too pleased about it at first. Yes there is a lot of screaming from under the counter. I hear the muffled duct taped voices from the vintage avon aftershave bottles, and birth year razors (3 generations) all the time. Especially since I aquired a few things with the intent of displaying them. :001_rolle
I have to be careful because if under my sink looked like that SWMBO would likely declare I had to switch back to cartridge shaving!
I have to be careful because if under my sink looked like that SWMBO would likely declare I had to switch back to cartridge shaving!

I fear that day as well, but she has expressed the interest of me getting some of her, ummm parts, as smooth as I get my face. So that day may never come!:thumbup:
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