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My Shave Addiction

If there's such thing as Newbie Shave Gear Acquisition Disorder, then I think I've an extreme case of it. Let me explain why...

I've been wet shaving for the past 10 years. For several of those years, I decided to be experimental, so went and bought myself an electric shaver. What I bought was a fairly "high-end" Braun electric (foil) shaver that had its own cleaning and charging dock. That lasted for about 6 months until I got fed up with the rash it kept giving me around my neck due grinding the foil around that area. I also didn't like the idea of constantly replacing the cleaning liquid.

For the most part of those 10 years, however, I've been a Fusion / Mach 3 wet shaver, and my shave cream came out of a pressurised can - "goo" as you guys call it :wink2:. Never liked shaving, and conceded that I probably never will. A vibrating Fusion was initially an interesting idea, but the novelty quickly worn off when it kept causing extreme redness and irritation to face. That was partly due to poor technique, and partly due to dragging a multi-bladed razor across a poorly prep'ed face. I hated it :mad3: I then moved onto Mach3 for a little while, and that seemed to work OK. However, I was still getting that dreaded redness and irritation, though to a lesser extent. I also seem to suffer from a bad case of follicle shadow on my upper lip, the result of which gave people the impression that I hadn't shaved (when in fact I had!) :mad3:

I then accidentally stumbled across one of Mantic's shave videos and became gradually drawn into a world of DE shaving. So much so that I immersed myself in everything DE shaving related, watched all his videos many times over :blink:, and lurked on forums. I then finally took the courage and bought myself a Merkur HD razor with a blade sampler pack. That acquisition slowly followed by several "proper" creams (unlike the goo) and ASBs, and eventually another DE razor - the Merkur Progress.

I must confess now that I absolutely love shaving :001_cool:, so much so that I actually try to shave every day (even though I have barely enough growth for a consecutive day shave, but who cares??). My shaves are now for the most part BBS with very little redness or irritation. I do occasionally draw some blood, but nothing that couldn't be stopped my overpowering manliness or a Styptic Pencil :001_tongu

There is, however, a problem. As the photos below will attest, I've developed an incurable addiction of wanting to try each and every cream out there. Over the past 2 months that I've been DE shaving, I bought myself way too many creams (more than I can actually use up in this lifetime I think :001_rolle) and after shave balms. I love using each and everyone of them. I actually have a tub of Trumpers GFT and a tub of Trumpers Cocnut cream, as well as some Proraso Liquid After Shave Balm, on the way from Ireland. I've bought all these creams / ASBs online and, as you all know, you will generally try to leverage on postage to maximise the value from a single transaction. Well, that's what happened to me, except the acquisitions occurred over many transactions throughout many sleepness nights.

Anyway, that's my story. Just wanted to check in and say Hi! :thumbup1: For all those new to DE shaving, I encourage you to post your shameless shave gear acquisitions :thumbup:

For all those experienced DE shavers out there, what do you think of my gear? Is there anything else that I should try?? :biggrin1:










Good start...but only one brush? And no soaps? :lol: Oh well, give it time...a few weeks, maybe?

Welcome aboard! You've come to the right place. But be aware that your addictions will be rapidly growing and we're all a bunch of facilitators! :thumbup1:
Nice!!! I am a newbie wet shaver myself - lured in by the same You-tube videos by mantic (what a guy)! I started into acquisition disorder - but thankfully I don;t have much discretionary income - so I am stuck with just one shoe box of extra stuff (mostly blade samples and 100 blade packs of Israeli Personnas and Dorco 301s). I wish you good luck in your explorations. In any case, if you ever feel that you don't like something (er .... overbought???) there is always the ability to sell or give it away to other members here.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
Welcome to the B & B :shaving: and it sounds like you're off to a great start, (oh by the way..I love my Merkurs 23C & 38C). Also, it might wise to get a Razor Blade Sampler and many more Brushes to see what blade is a good fit (sharp, dull, ect...), for your face because I cannot see any blades and only 1 brush in your growing collection.

And yes...this Forum has the knowledge, ideas, and alround 'know-how' to assist in your Wet-Shaving experience. In a nut-shell...your 'gonna' love it here :w00t:

Also, once you get time....please tell all of us a little about yourself in the Hall of Fame sub-forum :biggrin1:

Christopher :badger:
Very Nice den so far, but I think you need more!!:lol: where are the blades?

All my blades come from a sampler pack. So far I've tried Feathers, Astras, Red Personnas and Derby's. My favourite would have to be between the Personna's and Astra's. I've found the Feathers to be too unforgiving and Derby's to e a tad on the dull side compared to the Personna's and Astra's :thumbup1:
Welcome to the B & B :shaving: and it sounds like you're off to a great start, (oh by the way..I love my Merkurs 23C & 38C). Also, it might wise to get a Razor Blade Sampler and many more Brushes to see what blade is a good fit (sharp, dull, ect...), for your face because I cannot see any blades and only 1 brush in your growing collection.

And yes...this Forum has the knowledge, ideas, and alround 'know-how' to assist in your Wet-Shaving experience. In a nut-shell...your 'gonna' love it here :w00t:

Also, once you get time....please tell all of us a little about yourself in the Hall of Fame sub-forum :biggrin1:

Christopher :badger:

I don't think I can afford to suffer from Brush Acquisition Disorder :tongue_sm My brush is a Shavemac Silvertip and, although I don't have anything else to compare it to, I've found it to be quite luxurious :thumbup:
Only 1 brush, and 2 razors? AMATEUR!! :lol::lol:

You NEED to try out a Vintage Gillette (like a Superspeed), a boar brush (like an Omega), and no shave den is complete without the awesomeness of a Muhle/Edwin Jagger razor, and a puck of Tabac shaving soap. :w00t::w00t:

Good effort for a newbie though. :laugh::laugh:
I hate to see what happens when you finally discover vintage razors. First the American made Gillette, then the English made Gillette, then anything but American and English, maybe the Schick/GEM/EveryReady route for a bit and then - horror of horrors - Straight Razors. Sell all of your DE razors so you can afford a few straights.


A very nice start! and a big welcome to the B&B! :thumbup:

You've only got one brush, but boy what a brush that is! Shavemac knots are among the best you can buy! I do suggest you try an SE razor. It's a somewhat different experience than DE, with a stiffer blade, more akin to a straight shave. Look for a Gem or Every Ready 1912 model -- you should be able to find them in good condition for no more than $15.
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