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My Setup, Homemade Oak Stand

Thought I would try pictures. Here is the oak stand I made. My first picture so here goes:

And my Aristocrat up close:


Two coats maple and provincial stain.

Two coats hand rubbed poly finish and one coat sprayed.

Porcelain Knob with brass center.

My Great-Grand- dad's Mug.

VDH brush.

What da ya think?


I think I'm in love. What a great stand. Did you make it from scratch or was it something you modified to it's current usage? Either way it's a top effort.

Are you interested in making anymore? :wink2:
#1 on above. Me thinks that you will be very busy, making = nice stands for your other razors and brushes. You don't want them to get jealous.
That looks great, and motivates me to try making something, although I doubt it would look nice like yours!
Well, there goes my weekend. Thank you for providing the picture. Mind if I sketch out some plans and copy it? (Either way, I am!)

Yes, I designed it and made it.

Am I making more? I may have to start an assembly line. Even my disposable razor friends are wanting one. Don't tell him, but my brother is getting one for his birthday.

Here they are being born:


Now the first coat of finish:


The finish is the hardest part. Stain and wait, second stain and wait, first coat of finish and wait, steel wool and second coat and wait, steel wool and final spray, well you get the idea.

Thank you all for your kind words. It is a real compliment to be praised on this forum.

I was wondering, do you think they would sell on ebay? Maybe with a tech or a slim adjustable thrown in?

That's a great stand. I'm a hobby wood worker and have been thinking of different ideas for one myself... very well done. Ebay... maybe but Etsy might be another idea. If you don't know what I mean, check out www.etsy.com and for some examples of some shaving related stuff on there search shaving. There's some nice none shaving related woodwork projects on there.
Yes, I designed it and made it.

Am I making more? I may have to start an assembly line. Even my disposable razor friends are wanting one. Don't tell him, but my brother is getting one for his birthday.

Here they are being born:


Now the first coat of finish:


The finish is the hardest part. Stain and wait, second stain and wait, first coat of finish and wait, steel wool and second coat and wait, steel wool and final spray, well you get the idea.

Thank you all for your kind words. It is a real compliment to be praised on this forum.

I was wondering, do you think they would sell on ebay? Maybe with a tech or a slim adjustable thrown in?


I certainly think they would. If you offered one for sale, I would certainly buy it. I was kind of hoping you would offer. Any businessmen on here?

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