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My photo site

I thought I'd share my photography site as well. I've had it up for a while now, but I'm in the process of adding more photo's to the galleries and I just finished adding a store to the site. I've been looking into making a store for my website for a while now, but seemed to always give up when reading on all of the different shopping cart software. I don't do enough orders to justify paying for some of them, and didn't want to worry about setting up the cc gateway and all of the other things. Well, fast forward to a couple weeks ago and I realized that I needed to get that store on there. I had submitted a few of my photos to be posted on a photoblog, and there's a possibility of a few sales from it. I decided to go with using the Paypal buttons to see how they would work out, and I gotta say it isn't too bad. There's a few things that bug me with the PP system, but overall I think it will work the best out of all the free options.

Here's the link to the site.

Also, here's a link to my Flickr for many other photos that I've taken, including the SOTD ones.
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Well done, I applaud the creativity. Black and white is hard to do, and food is especially hard to make look nice. For anyone that doesn't believe me, take a picture of your next dinner and blow it up to 1024x768 size. It looks disgusting and discolored.
I like your landscapes. I wish i lived near the ocean. I'm getting sick of shooting barns. (live in Wisconsin):mad3:

What do you shoot with?
canon 40d here.
As soon as it's obvious that you have taken more than 10 photo shoots, this site will be a good portfolio because you obviously have a good camera and a good eye. Just... make sure that you have more diversity.

Also, you'll probably make more sales selling these as stock photos in digital format. Don't know if that's your vision. Just saying.
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I only looked at your portraits as I have a really hard time caring about photos without people in them and you need to get your hands on something 6x7 and bellows focus and few portable strobes, learn to use them then go some where and shoot a series. You have a good eye for capture an honest representation of people as they are.
Thanks for all of the feedback. Oh, and C Reed, my next camera that I'm really wanting is an RB67, but I just got the M645 and am trying to give it a while to work with it until I move to the 6x7. I also would need a bigger tripod when I get it and the $$ is just not there right now to make the purchases.
Thanks very much for posting the link to your site. You've a great deal of very very good work, and much of it is excellent. I envy you this portfolio
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