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My new white badger Vie Long 16651

I just received this morning this is a hair brush ..Vielong 16651 white badger you with 2-band measures 24x54 .. hope you like ! :thumbup:


Nice brush. Don't forget to share post bloom pics. You don't hear much about Vie-Long badgers, it's all about the horsies.
Luis, that is one gorgeous brush! Can you please post post bloom pictures? How do you compare the Vie Long to shavemac d-01 3band silvertip?
It's a lovely looking brush. I'm curious if the knot properties are like the E16510. My E16510 is quite scritchy, almost prickly.
is little scritchy..I used only once..I have another 2 band Vie long 23x48 and is far more scritchy..
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