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My New Weber Just Arrived!

I placed the order Friday evening, it shipped Saturday evening, and arrived today! Lightning fast delivery and beautiful razor!

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By the way, does anyone know the proper pronunciation of Weber? Is it WEE-ber or is it WEB-ber?

Congratulations. It looks great! I say Webber, but without any particular knowledge.
let us know how it shaves for you.
By the way, does anyone know the proper pronunciation of Weber? Is it WEE-ber or is it WEB-ber?


My guess is that the correct pronunciation would be We-ber, but that most persons will say Web-ber. To my ears, Web-ber sounds better.

The best place to get the answer would be to telephone or email an official at the factory, maybe Mr. Weber himself.

Or one could randomly look up a "Weber" in the local telephone book, call that person, and ask how he pronounces his name? :001_huh:
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Just got a response from Ed from Weber and he confirmed that it is pronounced WEB-ber.

Glad to hear it. I've never heard Weber pronounced "WEE-ber"; that sounds weird to me. In German it means "weaver" and would be pronounced something like "VAY-bear".
I hope your's shaves you as well as my Weber does. Keep us posted. There is. A Weber Wednesday thread that some of the Weberophiles post in. Use it Wednesday and put a photo up.

Hi Charles: As a big fan of the Weber razors. . . I get incredible shaves every time. I hope you enjoy yours too.

It really is a beautiful razor. Congratulations!

I am going to order one in about a week. I am very fond of all-stainless modern razors.


The Lather Maestro
Does Weber sell just the polished head? I see they sell full razors or just handles, but I want to just get the head. Anyone know if that works?
Thanks everyone. I probably won't be shaving with it until Wednesday since I only shave every other day. This thing is really nice and a lot heftier than I was expecting.

John, I don't think they sell the heads by itself. You may need to pick it up in the BST.
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My guess is that the correct pronunciation would be We-ber, but that most persons will say Web-ber. To my ears, Web-ber sounds better.

The best place to get the answer would be to telephone or email an official at the factory, maybe Mr. Weber himself.

Or one could randomly look up a "Weber" in the local telephone book, call that person, and ask how he pronounces his name? :001_huh:
Now that would be weird. LOL
Very nice razor. I'm still trying to decide which stainless razor to get. I'm torn between the Weber, AT&T M1 or Ikon OSS.
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