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My new old brush

Just put this together two days ago. Knot is 20mm Finest badger fan shape.
I set the loft at 50mm. Shaved with it last night. The old knot was pure badger,
but didn't build much lather. Pictures in order are, old knot,new knot,bloomed.
The knot came from Golden Nib.
Do you suppose

"Set in Plastic"

was marketing hype to prove the superiority to

"Set in Rubber"?

I find that inscription to be a great part of this old brush. I cannot imagine Rooney advertizing "Set in Plastic"...even though true.:biggrin1:
Great work on the restore. I love the white - green combo. I have had my eye out for something similar but have to got it yet. Thanks for sharing the pics.
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