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My new "Feats of Clay" scuttle in cranberry

Compared to other scuttles, his prices are very reasonable. Plus, someone did some scuttles tests on this board, and his retains heat well. Can't wait to try it out!
That looks great! Robert Becker's workmanship is getting a lot better than when he started out. It makes his scuttles an even better bargain than they were and I also own Moss and Dirty Bird scuttles as well as a Becker for reference.
That looks great! Robert Becker's workmanship is getting a lot better than when he started out. It makes his scuttles an even better bargain than they were and I also own Moss and Dirty Bird scuttles as well as a Becker for reference.

+1. I bought one from him in January--an excellent workhorse, no doubt, but it isn't nearly as handsome as the one that the OP showed. Very nice.
I've had one for a while now, 6-8 months, I use it every time I shave. I have no interest in trying another. It works as it should, holds heat, nice texture that makes lathering a quick job, and looks good. Mine is green and white, so it even matches my Proraso and C.F. 1445. That cranberry one looks awesome!
I agree, the glaze is stunning and the workmanship has improved. The spiral inside, though, would look more regular if it was carved in while the pot rotates, on a potter's wheel for example.
Sweet glaze! I love all the options there are for these scuttles. This one definitely has personality.
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