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My Muhle R41 made me a better shaver!

Hi folks,

Some of you may have followed my journal about using the 2011-style Muhle R41 for 10 days straight. I've been DE wet shaving for about five months now, and it's been a little over a week since that 10 day experience.

Over the past week or so, I've dabbled with a Slim, a Red Tip, a US Army Open Comb, a slant (37C), and my first three shaves with a straight. I can honestly say that by the closeness and comfort of my shaves improved significantly from the beginning of my R41 test. I haven't had a nick, weeper, or otherwise any notable irritation since then.

I think that the attention and respect that I had to give to using the R41 drastically improved my skills.

Anyone else stick through using an R41 and feel the same way?
This is exactly what I have experienced indeed.

The R41 is a great help in adjusting any technical imperfections.
When I use another razor/blade combo outside of the R41 Grande, I find that my shaves go much quicker and I can be on autopilot-even using a SA on 9 w/ a Feather blade. It's as if i am shaving w/o a blade at all.
Although I have not used a R41 I did notice the same thing when I switched from my DE89 to a red tip and a fatboy cranked up to 9. Currently I get the closest least irritating shaves from my red tip. I think that using the more aggressive razors really helps you begin to master the fine motor skills as you get good tactile feedback. I remember when I first started with the DE89 I sometimes could not really feel the blade or if I had the right angle.

I really want to try the R41 and this thread does not help!
I found the same to be true. Me and my Merkur HD now can zing along at a rabbit's pace :). When I get really good with the R41.. I'll use it more. I just tried a feather for a first time in it just to be really living on the edge. It worked very well and no irritation.
I have been saying this in threads all over the place for the last few weeks. I think it is a great razor for noobs despite the common belief to the contrary. I think the amazing feedback combined with the fact that it will punish bad technique result in a razor that forces you to learn to shave quickly. And this learning curve is enhanced with a heavier handle.
Why did I have I read this post. I thought I we done buying razors or a while but now I feel that I need this one.
i did not and am not having the same experience! i have been trying out the R41 for a long time now and i still find it to be a very rough shaver; not as smooth as my other ones, but YMMV. Enjoy the razor.
Wait until you try a straight. I thought my R41 was hard but after 5 shaves with a straight its no sweat. But it is really one of the best DE razors you can buy and everyone should try it. I will never sell mine and because it is the closest shave I have ever experienced.
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