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my local walmarts have gone fort knox

Not new around here with other stores but Walmart has followed the trend. All Cartridges and Razors are now behind a lockup and you have to go to the pharmacy to get them to open the lockup and they take your blades to the till where you pay for your items at the pharmacy.

Which basically means if the pharmacy is closed you're SOL if you need blades. I heard a guy launch into a swear laced tirade when he went down that aisle with his wife this morning because he needed blades and the pharmacy was closed.

I guess the priced of cartridges have gone so high that theft has become quite a problem.

I think its rather stupid that this is where this has to go with blades. they're now locked up like video games, jewelry and other high priced items.
Carts are the most shoplifted item. Google "the most shoplifted item" it will come up. I guess its the high value to size ratio. Well....high value to some I guess.
Eh. Times are tough, I guess. Ya think he would have been open to the suggestion of cheap DE blades just then?
They've been like that for the past year or two here. However, in my store DE blades are outside the locked portion. I'm set on blades for a while now, but it's good to know they're available whenever if I need some on a short time table.
I was recently in a CVS in a....let's just say....not so nice neighborhood, and I literally laughed out loud when I noticed that all of the deodorant was under lock and key. Awfully strange crime wave if you ask me.:lol:
The Rite Aid in my area has the deodorant and in an alarmed cabinet. When you lift the lid the alarm starts beeping, the longer it is open the louder it gets.
It was so annoying that I felt like propping it open with a stick and leaving.
The Rite Aid in my area has the deodorant and in an alarmed cabinet. When you lift the lid the alarm starts beeping, the longer it is open the louder it gets.
It was so annoying that I felt like propping it open with a stick and leaving.

If people are constantly opening the cabinet, what's the point?
The Wal-Mart razor blade security detail is what got me into wet shaving in the first place. I was dissatisfied with carts to begin with. Prices were/are ridiculous, and everyone else in the household was pilfering my carts. On top of that, the women folk treated the mach 3 carts as a one time use item! The straw that broke the proverbial camel's back was having to walk a half a mile inside a wal-mart to find an "associate" who helped me locate the other "associate" who had the only key to the sacred cart cabinet. After all of that, they just handed you the blades and you were free to do the rest of your shopping. Strange thing is there were probably five other people on the isle trying to figure out how to get carts and not an associate to be found.
Life is better now, I get my goods through the mail, prices are much better than even wally world, my selection is virtually unlimited, and best of all, no one dares borrow my shaving utensils. They are scared to death of them, and I like it like that! :thumbup:
One of the things you'll learn when selling to men is don't make them wait.

If you are locking up a product that men buy all the time, you have a problem with your price point, and since this is Walmart that means the manufacturers have a problem.

It's possible this is just a reflection of bad economic times, but I would be worried if I manufactured any of these products. Walmart doesn't really care, they have so much other stuff to sell.
It's stupefying and sadly amusing that Gillette's successful loss-leader campaign of ripoffs has made their blades a high priced commodity.
The deodorant thing made me chuckle. At least those thieves know about hygiene. The cart thing makes me think of how they would need 2 people to launch a nuke by turning the keys together.
The WM near me isn't quite as bad. They put each and every package of carts in its own little plastic vault that you can carry to the cashier for removal.

All the Schick/Wilkie DEs were sold out.
I find it funny because I did some reading on shoplifted items and some of the articles I read blame the high price of razor blade cartridges on theft. The companies are making up their lost profits from theft by raising their prices.

Um yeah, thats the real reason, right?
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I can just picture organized commando-style heists of shaving cartridges by men weilding fully automatic weapons. Or perhaps a ship carrying Gillette cartridges being hijacked off the coast of Somalia and held for ransom.
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