Well here it is earlier than expected. Razor was a simple clean. Case had some spots.. I even have an original Gem blade(what a piece of industrial art). Dropped it in looks neato.Also 14 Personna "74's". Oh pognotomical heaven!!
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So now I'm a bona fide l.o.s.e.r. and diggin' it.
Well here it is earlier than expected. Razor was a simple clean. Case had some spots.. I even have an original Gem blade(what a piece of industrial art). Dropped it in looks neato.Also 14 Personna "74's". Oh pognotomical heaven!
So now I'm a bona fide l.o.s.e.r. and diggin' it.
I'm more jealous of those blades then the razor. I assume they came together, AND that you got them at a good price? hehehe